The Arduino Mega is conected to my PC using USB, then the steppers are driven by SN754410NE Hbridges…
On the arduino side i modified the reprap gcode interpreter to listen the usb port for instruccions… the reprap firmware controls the steppers by standard step/dir pins, but mi drivers use a diferent two pins settups. The stepper driver circuit is on the arduino webpage, two pin stepper control. the code i am using is on sourceforge/proyects/cncarduino…
it´s not esy to design the z axis, it depends in your machine size and the tool you are using. for the other part of the machine i consider easyer to have a steady object and move the tool… the best way to do it is to drive two steppers on the y axis, side by side… but mi design uses one stepper on the center… look at this page… this is a good resource for designing a cnc machine… this page opened mi eyes on the design things i must have in my mind when building the machine.
hope it helps…
i decided to use sn754410ne hbridges for two reasons… first, is the one i can find here… two, it is the best replacemente for the l293d hbridge… i think is better.
there are lots of ways to drive steppers, in fact you don´t even need the arduino (microcontroller) but my goal is to use an ethernet shield or a sdcard reader to load the job and then execute…
buddy, i used two bearings ontop of the allunimum rail and one on the bottom of the rail to hold the structure down. if it is well adjusted is almost does not have the play that you say… also it has a piece of mdf from one side to the other to keep it square. the lead screw is attached to the center of the structure. your solution is the best one to avoid that problem…
design software i am having serious problems on understanging design software. cad or cam, i am impressed, i build the machine, i test it with downloaded codes fron the internet… but i cant make my own designs… what a sh*@$t… help… please…
Yes thats true, im not sure what dremel bit you are using, but an end mill bit is usually the standard, these bits are designed to cut not just down, but also sideways. Some of the dremel bits can do this aswell, but are just not built for milling applications…
**Nope, they dont ship**<br><p>Nope, they dont ship outside Japan. I got 3 of those motors for my own CNC. If you had made it known you were looking for a proxy to buy for you I could have done it but I`m leaving the country in 3 days.
You could post on the forums and see if anyone else would be willing to send them over to you.
damn, i only came across them a few days ago… hmm i guess ill just have to go forward with the steppers i have, and in the mean time ill look for someone over there.