Need help for chosing a motor

Hello everyone,
I am doing a pan-tilt system and i need position control on the pan. The problem is these system is going to be conected to a batery and i want it to consume the least amount of battery power. In addition, it needs to maintain the position in case it power off.

I was thinking on a servo for these case but i want it to rotate 360º so i tried a winch servo (SW5513-6MA from kingmax) but it makes a 360º rotation for every 194-200μs. The problem is it only moves every 4,7μs and between 8-10º. It is not enough resolution and i dont know other types of motors that would fit for these problem.

Also i dont know if there is a problem about the program i have done so i am going to post it here. I am using a raspberry pi 4 and it is python:
import pigpio
import time

def angle_to_percent(angle):
#1980=Number of turns it can make 5,5 turns 360º each turn.
return start+angle

pwm.set_mode(servo, pigpio.OUTPUT)
pwm.set_PWM_frequency(servo, frequence)

print(“Moving to 0º”)
pwm.set_servo_pulsewidth(servo, angle_to_percent(0))
print(“Moving to 360º”)
pwm.set_servo_pulsewidth(servo, angle_to_percent(620))

I havent tried a stepper motor yet because in case of power loss it can move a little bit and change the position but i am open to the idea.

Hello @Krantz and welcome to the RobotShop forum,

i dont know other types of motors that would fit for these problem.

If you need more precision you could try using a stepper motor, you can find more information about it here:

Also i dont know if there is a problem about the program i have done

This could help:


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Thanks for the answer but after getting one and doing some tests. It dosent match the specs i need. Also searching more servos on the internet i found one that says 180º unilateral rotation angle and 360º bilateral rotation angle. Do you know what could it mean? Like 0 to 180º after 1500 ms on the duty cycle and the other 180 between 1500-2500 ms?

@Krantz How was your built going on now? Maybe we could supply hub motors, stepper motors, BLDC motors and adapted driver for your project. Our motors and drivers were widely used for various application. May we could have a further talk so that we could make sure if our motors and drivers suitable for you or not.