
Hi All,

Five months ago I decided to make a small and simple line follower. It would be my very first robot, and I had to learn from the basis. Five months later, n00b0t is running, and I'm happy  to share it with you.





Initially I thought to make an Arduino controlled bot, but I decided to go a step further including on-board micro. Since I wanted to keep the size small, it was quite difficult to find the right design...








But I finally found the ideal shape:





















Changes from v 1.00

  • Added voltage divider (R10/R11) connected to A0
  • Added TSOP connected to D2
  • Included two new LEDS connected to D3 and D4 (while maintaining the connection pins)
  • Added of 5V & GND pins
  • Added an external battery connector
  • ON and LN jumpers relocated
  • New buzzer package (supporting multiple models) and slightly relocated
  • CNY70  turned 90º
  • General components renaming
  • Ground plates Isolate grown to 12 mil
  • Isolated holes in ground planes in contact positions with nut / screws


Now I think the project is finished, so I'm sharing source files as OSHW (under CC-BY-SA license).

If interested, you cand download them from the project blog site: n00b0t.tikitake.com.




Line Follower

  • CPU: Atmel ATmega328
  • Power source: 4 x AAA rechargeable batteries
  • Programming language: Arduino / C++
  • Sensors / input devices: 2+5 CNY70
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/n00b0t-1


I forgot to thank Rodrigo Forrequi for his fantastic GUI (one of my sources of inspiration). :slight_smile:


Muy bien ! Waiting for your

Muy bien ! Waiting for your second robot !


That is some fine work.

Very nice for a first bot. More thinking than I have put in to any bots that I have considered constructing.

Wow, this is a great robot.

Wow, this is a great robot. And this is your frst robot? Can’t believe it. Very clever designed. Damn small without using of SMD parts.


Very nice! Cool robot.

Where did you order the PCB?

Hi,At OpenPCB


At OpenPCB (http://iteadstudio.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=19).




Very nice job for your first

Very nice job for your first robot.

Wow really cool

Very good for a first robot and it is running so smoothly!

I wish mine could go that fast and be that realiable…

Thumbs up!


Not only is the robot great,

Not only is the robot great, but you lay tape down like a mastah!

Absolutely amazing work!
Absolutely amazing work!

v 1.20 OSHW

Hi all,

Last summer n00b0t was upgraded to 1.20:

Now I think the project is finished, so I’m sharing source files as OSHW (under CC-BY-SA license).

If interested, you cand download them from the project blog site: n00b0t.tikitake.com.

Hahaha!That’s not tape, but


That’s not tape, but a plotted CorelDraw design. :slight_smile:

BTW, here you have a couple of them (in PDF):


Wow, I love the super clean

Wow, I love the super clean one board design! What kind of projects do you normally do? Also two questions : What is the reason for the sensors just in front of the wheels? And it looks like you have Pololu motors what ratio are those?

Thanks Very impressive!

Hi,The side sensors are


The side sensors are designed to detect turn signals/markers (they are quite common in european competitions):



Regarding motors, you could use any 12mm Sanyo 12GN NAXX type micromotor you want (not only Pololu ones). I bought the  56.8:1 ones here.

BTW, thank you everybody for your comments!

Frits is experimenting with

Frits is experimenting with a new LMR Members Shop. You may want to post a link to this page there.


Hi all,

Just to say I’ve updated n00b0t site with several sketches and  new 1.20 media.




Amazing job man, it looks like it would definitly kick some butt at some competitions. I am also making a line follower. Could you tell me what the gear ratio is on those motors?

Hi,I’ve tested with 56:1 &


I’ve tested with 56:1 & 30:1.