
Posted on 24/06/2011 by dip6
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi All, Five months ago I decided to make a small and simple line follower. It would be my very first robot, and I had to learn from the basis. Five months later, n00b0t is running, and I'm happy  to share it with you.     DESIGN   Initially I thought to make an Arduino controlled bot, but I decided to go a step further including on-board micro. Since I wanted to keep the size small, it was quite difficult to find the right design...               But ...


Hi All,

Five months ago I decided to make a small and simple line follower. It would be my very first robot, and I had to learn from the basis. Five months later, n00b0t is running, and I'm happy  to share it with you.





Initially I thought to make an Arduino controlled bot, but I decided to go a step further including on-board micro. Since I wanted to keep the size small, it was quite difficult to find the right design...








But I finally found the ideal shape:





















Changes from v 1.00

  • Added voltage divider (R10/R11) connected to A0
  • Added TSOP connected to D2
  • Included two new LEDS connected to D3 and D4 (while maintaining the connection pins)
  • Added of 5V & GND pins
  • Added an external battery connector
  • ON and LN jumpers relocated
  • New buzzer package (supporting multiple models) and slightly relocated
  • CNY70  turned 90º
  • General components renaming
  • Ground plates Isolate grown to 12 mil
  • Isolated holes in ground planes in contact positions with nut / screws


Now I think the project is finished, so I'm sharing source files as OSHW (under CC-BY-SA license).

If interested, you cand download them from the project blog site: n00b0t.tikitake.com.




Line Follower

  • CPU: Atmel ATmega328
  • Power source: 4 x AAA rechargeable batteries
  • Programming language: Arduino / C++
  • Sensors / input devices: 2+5 CNY70
  • Target environment: indoor
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