MY "Start Here" Robot

I thought I should make a "Start Here" robot, so I did!

When I built the control board, I included an EEPROM, IR remote, 2 trimmer pots and wired the motor driver to the PWM outputs so I should have quite a bit of room in terms of code-play. To be honest, I have no idea what I am going to have it do, but again, all options are open with what I included on the board. For now, just a simple slide/spin code to drive around.


Whatever I want it to

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 GM3's
  • Control method: All by itself
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 3 AA's
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: IR Remote Control, 2 whell encoders, 2 trimmer pots, 1 Sharp sensor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This seams more like an "End

This seams more like an “End here” project :smiley:

Nice progress, dude!!

Looks compact, sturdy
Say, what sensors are you using to detect the wheel marks?

The Encoders…
This is what I am using. I’m sure the one that BOA is showing will work just fine, I am using the one I am showing in the first comment.

nice, gonna add a a couple
nice, gonna add a a couple of these to my SF order then!

Caster wheel
You mentioned in the video that you got the third wheel from a model airplane store. Did you build the caster for it so it could move freely, or did it come like that? I’m looking for a simple third wheel like that for my bot.

the wheel…

Nope, I bought the wire (called piano wire) the collets and the brass tube all seperatly. The copper is a little scrap I had and I simply bent it in my vise and drilled a couple holes. After that I just scuffed it up with a little scotch-brite and soldered it with my gas-powered iron to the brass tube. --It works great! almost no friction.

This is not to say you can’t buy ready-made tail wheels and brackets, it’s just that the shop only had big ones.


Hey Chris, love the bot (a little after the fact, i know),

How did you get the IR remote to work? I remember reading in one of your comments somewhere that you used the RadioShack IR module. Did you use the circuit shown in the manual?

Very coolio
I hope your still working on this little bot. Seems pretty cool with the encoders. Do some mapping or something.

I think the code for this bot is pretty good, it knows exactly how much it needs to turn, perfect example at 2:05. Does it use a "if object detected to left turn to the right until no object detected" type of code or a more complicated program where it actually calculates how much it needs to turn and does so in advance?

wats actually in the project

wats actually in the project box for ur robot. i no u encoders which u can buy them at (las vegas), and the gm3s too.

but wat else.


What is actually in the project box for your robot? I know [there are] encoders which you can buy them at (Las Vegas) and the GM3’s too. But what else [is there inside]?


(We are grown-ups here)



blah! nevermind. gee why are people always correcting me>:(



text speak is annoying on a
text speak is annoying on a website where people are sharing technical knowledge. You will learn quickly that text speak is only used in emails to friends and instant messaging friends. You dont use it anywhere that is educational or professional.

Actually, text speak will kill us all…

Why do we need better or best? All we really need is good… Good, Plus-Good, Double-Plus-Good -Right?

Hell, I hear the chocolate rations are going up, but why can’t I seem to turn my TV off?




–Sorry, C.R. I just looked at your profile and date of birth… Go read “1984” -it will explain everything.

That is the only book that I
That is the only book that I had read for pleasure in the last 6 years (aside from electronics books). VERY good book and a lot of it is coming true in one way or another.

I might as well delete my

I might as well delete my account then.

Why should you delete your
Why should you delete your account? "I might as well delete my account then." looks like proper english to me, so you have proven you CAN do it if you take the effort to try. That`s all people are asking for.

People are just trying to

People are just trying to help point out that text speak is not for educational or professional settings. If you do that at work or for a class you will not do well. I have seen students turn in HOMEWORK that was written in text speak. That isn’t appropriate for that setting. It isn’t best for this setting either. We have a lot of people who don’t speak English as primary language and trying to decifer abbrevitions and text speak makes it hard on them.

We wouldn’t be able to read it if they wrote it in their language and used abbreviations so why should we?