**Coming soon - Speaker, LED'S and MORE POLYMORPH!**
Just my first start here robot with SRF05 for obstacle avoidance and the Sharp IR so it doesnt fall into any holes! For now i plan on adding a speaker and a few more leds but eventually want to make it much smaller so it can navigate my desk and add self charging capabilities.
Navigates via sonar, Sharp IR and avoids all obstacles
Really cool! It’s great getting a robot to avoid falling off an edge, good job. It seems though, that this is using a long range Sharp, GP2Y0A02YK or something, within it’s minimum range. Doesn’t this Sharp have a strange behavior within 8" (20cm) ?
Thanks. Ya it did at first Thanks. Ya it did at first (its a 2Y0A02) but i added a 10uf elec cap right to the back of the sensor and although its really sensitive at that range it still works great.