My robot for LARC 2011 competition

(new video uploaded)

This is my robot for the 10° latin american robotics competition, LARC2011.

The robot will participate in the OPEN category.


From the site:

"Every day of our lives, robotics is getting closer to the common population by developing home, industrial, medical, construction and work tasks.

In this occasion, the Latinamerican Robotics Competition proposes the construction of a coffee collector Robot, given the fact that the region is one of the greatest coffee producers worldwide and most of the work is done by human workers collecting each coffee bean.

The competition formulates to the participants the construction of a Robot capable of collecting ripe and overripe beans leaving the green ones in the tree. The collected beans must be classified and transported to a storage area located in a place called "beneficiadero".

Objective of the competition

The scenario represents part of a coffee crop composed of three trees where the ripe (red and orange), green and overripe (blue) beans are located and represented by golf balls. Besides the crop, the storage area is composed of two chutes represented as a blue and red boxes.

At the center of this scenario, there are two hollow spaces symbolizing the water storage area where the beans are cleaned. This spaces must be avoided by the robot when navigating from the tress to the storage area.

The Robot must be capable of differentiate the coffee beans by their color; take only the ripe and overripe beans and deposit them in their corresponding chute according their classification."

Spanish rules in PDF

Coming soon: videos



Differentiate the "coffee beans" by their color; take only the ripe and overripe beans and deposit them in their corresponding chute.

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 standar servos + 2 continuous rotation servos
  • Control method: Autonomus
  • CPU: PIC18F4520
  • Power source: 11.1V 1000mAh LiPo
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: 6 QRD1114 + 2 GP2Y0A21YK + 1 simple phototransistor
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It looks really neat!

It looks really neat! Looking forward to the videos!

Thanks… the video is

Thanks… the video is necessary to see how the robot works. It has a rare desing, and only with the photos is not enough to view it entirely.

Very nicely documented and

Very nicely documented and photographed. I second the request for video. Did this competition take place already or is it coming up soon? Good luck, if it is still to come.

Hi! The competition will be

Hi! The competition will be held on October 01-04, 2011 in Bogotá-Colombia. The last year was in São Paulo-Brazil.

After the competition I hope to have enough material like photos and videos to share.

Absolutely fantastic, Ale.

Absolutely fantastic, Ale. Terrific job!

Thanks! unfortunately the

Thanks! unfortunately the sensor of color failed often, because the environmental light was very intense, but still I was very pleased with its work on stage.

Amazing pictures…

can you tell us what kind of light you have to use to take such a nice pictures? like a Halogen Floodlight?

and did you paint the pcb’s? how?


Beautiful design!