My First Robot

This is a robot that can be controlled by a wii nunchuck, or it can navigate on its own. It avoids cliffs with the ultrasonic sensor on the front arm, and it avoids obstances with the front-facing  ultrasonic sensor. It has a grabbing device on the front which is powered by a servo. It can go backwards (only with one wheel) using the relay ( I only had one pair of relays). It has a pen for a back wheel, which slides along the ground with relatively low friction. It can be controlled by a wii nunchuk. I got the code to connect the wii nunchuck and arduino from:

. It is powered by 4 batteries. In the videos it is plugged into an outlet because I did not have any batteries on hand.

navigates via ultrasound, controlled by wii nun chuck

  • Actuators / output devices: GM3
  • Control method: wii nunchuck(optional)
  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove
  • Power source: 4x 1.2v rechargitble batteries
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor, SPDT Snap Lever switch
  • Target environment: hard indoor surface

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Cool first bot

I noticed you have the same gripper that I got awhile back. I was wondering what servo you are using with it.

I used a deluxe hitec Hs-422
I used a deluxe hitec Hs-422 servo