My first robot

This is my first robot :)  very simple line follower using 2 photoresistors and atmega microcontroller, I used a plastic box as chassis and two plastic nuts as wheels, powered by 2 nokia cells 1 for the controller and the other for the servos.



  • Actuators / output devices: 2 X Servos
  • CPU: atMega8
  • Power source: 2 x nokia batteries
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: 2x light dependant resistors (LDRs)
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It is great to see how you went all out in the construction. :smiley:

I am poking fun at you, but, in a good way. There is no reason for expensive parts to learn with. :slight_smile: You have gotten farther than I have, and, I have been here for a number of years. :slight_smile:

In case you didn’t get it from my statement. Good Job and Good work. :slight_smile:

Great job

Good work. i like your setup too

Well done, even if the

Well done, even if the microcontroller is a bit overkill :slight_smile: However, important is that it works and you have fun. Good job!!!


in my case, as a student, you know i try to keep it as cheap as possible, and I’m glad you like it :slight_smile:


Thanks :slight_smile:

I agree with you, but it

I agree with you, but it will not be just a line follower i will keep improve it, and now im working on adding avoid obstacles.

Nicely done :)I would enjoy

Nicely done :slight_smile:

I would enjoy seeing a video of it running a longer course.