My first bots and first post in this great community.
Made up of Pic16F84A and L293 dc motor driver, read switches as a sensor and the rest of the parts are common.
Comment appreciated.
navigate around via read switches as sensor
- Actuators / output devices: 2 geared motors
- Control method: autonomous
- CPU: Pic16F84A
- Power source: 4.5V
- Programming language: PIC Basic
- Sensors / input devices: two front bumper switches
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
A picture of the other side
A picture of the other side would be appreciated
Is it using a caster ball?
Good job making your own board! looks like you also used some plexyglass or such, with custom cutting for the switches. Hand made or what?
Well done
I post the side soon. nope,
I post the side soon.
nope, i didnt use a castor ball for this.I made a stand with acrylic and attached a rubberstopper for friction.
Yes, its hande made / self cut. I use acrylic as an holder for the switches.
Looks great. Very compact
Looks great. Very compact and clean. I would love to see this thing moving.
Nice job. Why would you want to add friction to your stand? I try to use PTFE to reduce the friction.
The other side?
Did you ever photograph the other side?