My first autonomous robot with ROS INDIGO




I built this robot from simply learning to use ROS.

the biggest challenge was to create the controller for "odom and motor drive" but i found a lot of help with the project rosserial and ros arduino with python.

when you begin to understand ROS, many door opens to you. 

my robot is an autonomous robot based on ROS ARDUINO

he has the capasity for navigation and exploration by itself everywhere it is also able to interact with an arm 7 dof, pick of objects and pose another point, track some art


code with kinect we can also control with android phone














List of materials and components:


Arduino Mega2560

i am using pin interrupts 2,3,18,19 for odometry

Arbotix controlor for the arm , head and gripper

Scanner laser 360 rplidar xv11

Kinect for PCL « pick and place »

12V Silent DC Motor 146RPM w/Encoder 2400 steps per revolution


2 dc motor driver 10 A-25V dual channel

Batterie externe 19v 18,000mAh 


Dynamixel 4*MX64T + 2*MX12+4*AX12

For IMU MultiWii 328P Flight Controller w/FTDI DSM2 Port

module ftdi

How its works  

pick and drop navagation tracking

  • Actuators / output devices: Servo motors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: laptop Asus core i5 2.2 GHz + PIC18F4550 controller
  • Operating system: Linux, ROS
  • Power source: 12v
  • Programming language: Python
  • Sensors / input devices: video camera, IMU sensor, Scanning Laser Rangefinder, The Kinect sensor
  • Target environment: indoor, Out door

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Please post details about the build such as mechanicals, motors, batteries, and sensors. Your video clearly show a great deal of success. I would like to know more about how and why you did it. Thanks for posting. 

Robot Porn -?!

The  ‘ROBOT’ is the end result of the BUILD PROCESS.  DOCUMENT THE BUILD PROCESS!   UGH!

Very cool!I have been

Very cool!

I have been playing with ROS over the last few months, and you have done exactly what I have been trying to do with the navigation package.  I have found it frustrating but fun as well learning about all the different packages and what can be done with them.  For instance, the stereo odometry package (visio2) using 2 cameras looks very interesting.  I hope to do that once I have the navigation actually working.  Right now, I am in the URDF hole trying to get a model that describes my robot and will appear in Gazebo and rviz something like it does in reality.  The documentation on what all the URDF fields are and how they relate are pretty scant.  My bot is a circular bot like yours, but I am not able to get the wheels to look or act right.  

I appreciate the direction of looking at ROS Serial and ROS Arduino.  Any other suggestions, online resources or help would be appreciated since you got this all working.  Great work.

A few questions:

What are you using to control it with your Android phone?

What other resources did you find that were especially helpful in getting this working?  

Do you have a github repository of what you have, so I could take a look? 







Looks like a promising robot research platform!

I guess from the youtube video title that you use the XV11 LIDAR, which I found to be named “Piccolo Laser Distance Sensor”.

Where did you get it and how much does it cost?

lidar xv11 life is short :frowning:


its cost me 300 euros but be careful because the duration of life is quite short.

I advice you to use the Kinect  the most common case and kept the lidar for using in the complex  situatiuon.   my first died  because I forget to turn off for 3 days :frowning:

i get my lidar in

Thanks for the reply and the

Thanks for the reply and the warning.

for gazebo

for information I had to stop  urdf for  gazebo because it is not easy to define the information : the mass and inertia and we have tools that do this better than we do  :) Solidwork.

I’m not sure we need gazebo if it’s just a prototype robot .The most important for me  is that the robot work well and urdf is clean for MOVEIT.


Great work!!

Excellent work - I have been considering learning the ways of ROS but couldn’t think of a platform to warrant its use. I may have to steal some of your ideas :slight_smile:

contolor ros

hello bill

this kink can help

for the git

the the controlor odom and motor drive you can find examples in the GIT


Thanks for the nudge…

I have next week off and hope to spend some time with ROS.  I will definitely checkout those links.

I took a quick look and that is so cool you can control everything by creating a .yaml file.  Pretty straight forward by the looks of it.  I wasn’t aware of that or I might have gone that route…

The more I play with ROS, the more I like it.  It forces you into an architecture which makes it easy to separate concerns, to make the robot testable as well as the package functionality and tools which come with it.  I do not have Solidworks, so will have to play with Gazebo and get the urdf working. 

Congratulations on getting it all working.  It is quite an achievement getting the navigation to work; I can attest to that! 



great job

nice work… i’d like to know more…do post details… well done :slight_smile:

Build process?

Dear: mlavie1

Absolutley brillant robot!!! The best I’ve seen in a long time!!! I love ros, I love arduino, I love even more stuff as well. So far your robot seems to incorporate the most stuff I like in a while. Also just wondering could you document the build process? I just wish you could document that a little bit better. It is okay if you don’t have any pictures that doesn’t matter as much as words do. It needs a better description other than that it is absolutley fantastic!!!

From: Noah

Hi mlavie1

I have seen your project of autonomous robot with ROS INDIGO. As I am an absolute beginner in ROS, I have a few questions:

  1. You have made your project for ROS Indigo and I am running ROS Melodic. Will the ROS Indigo packages be built in ROS Melodic? I doubt because my discussion at is still ongoing.

  2. Would you like to share your ROS Indigo packages built for the robot? If yes, it will help to test the version compatibilty with ROS Melodic.

Thanks in Advance.