Mr Mouse Droid - Ericski's Mr Basic Contest Entry

Update July 1, 2009

As Rik pointed out, some more details would be helpful.

Firstly, more pictures can be found at including some of my original chassis ideas (not a mouse droid.)

The shell is made from balsa and spruce that I have lying around from some of my other various hobbies. The plan is an "Mark 1 Eyeball" design based on looking at the one 3/4 profile image that shows up in my teaser video. A coat of black krylon spray paint gives it that "Imperial" look.

The wiring is pretty straight forward. 4 Sharp IR sensors wired to the analog inputs. The code for distance uses two libraries I wrote (based on code I found around the 'net) to include multiple sampling with smart averaging (drops min and max) and smoothing of the sensor readings. Two GP2Y0A21s point forward and two GP2D120's point rearwards to check for room when backing up. I found that the GP2Y0A21s seem to be noisier than the 120's but they do have the longer range.

For motor control I use a Pololu Qik2s9v1 serial motor controller using a library I wrote that is available on Google code at This requires 3 arduino pins and provides PWM speed control for the motors with a low voltage drop.

For power I have 1 9V for the Arduino and 3 Alkaline AA's for the motor. My kids jacked all my rechargeables plus I really would rather have 4.5V for the motors.

The LEDs are each attached to their own digital output pins to allow me to tell which sensor (top/bottom) detected an object and which way the bot decided to turn (more on the motion control in a bit.)

For fun I added a peizo buzzer that will make random noises while moving and beeps depending on the turn it will take. An start up plays a really crappy rendition of the Imperial March. I have no musical talent. Probably explains why I listen to some of the stuff I do. ;)

For motion control, I do the simple move until something is in front of me. I mix it up a bit by having it accelerate when it hasn't found anything blocking it. The sensor "danger" range increases when the speed increases. Once an object has been detected, the bot first checks to see if anything is behind it. If there isn't it will backup a random amount. It will then turn to a random direction and turn a random amount. Nothing really fancy but it is fun to watch it move around.

Besides playing around with Arduino libraries (which are very helpful for say sensor code that you use on all bots,) I also used multiple tabs for the sketches which splits the sketch up into multiple files. This allows a separation of logical areas of the code that probably don't need their own libraries. I split up my LED routines, motor routines (the layer on top of my library,) and the peizo routines away from the main loop and the motion routines. It is nice but I really would like an IDE more like Eclipse or Visual Studio. Or at least some helpers like "go to definition"and "find all references" would help.


Future plans for Mr Mouse Droid unfortunately include a lobotomy. I have other bots I want to use the brains/sensors for, plus I want to try a "logic only" line following bot that I think the Mr Basic chassis would be great for.


I'm planning on posting my libraries somewhere but I haven't figured out where that is. I'm a little leary after we've had what appears to be code leachers floating around here a few weeks back.



Update June 22, 2009

New video showing the full robot. Calling it done since I won't have anytime to work on it before the end of the contest and because there isn't much more to do with it.

I have a couple of other ideas to try with the chassis when I have more time like a non-microcontroller line follower.



Update: OK, cat's out of the bag. Or should that be mouse droid..


My entry is a version of the Mouse Droid from Star Wars. Currently I'm soldering up all the connections from the sensors, LEDs, batteries, and switches. I expected to be much further along with that task but turns out it is a little harder than just sticking wires into a breadboard. Reminds me of rewiring my old '58 chevy truck, though.


Update June 7, 2009

New video uploaded. It moves! Basic wiring & programming done.

  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino Decimila
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR's
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Uh! A cliffhanger!
Uh! A cliffhanger!

How to participarte in the contest?


I would like to participarte in the game, how to?



isnt that
inst that the mosue droid from star war that you see racing past peoples feet ?

Stay tuned…

Contest info

Indeed, what is this?


Indeed, what is this?

it looks like an armored car

it looks like an armored car :slight_smile:

but it is the mouse droid! I don’t remember seeing it in star wars though…

EDIT: i spotted them!


thats awesome!
I love star wars… A++ work. :slight_smile:

I love the "drive down walls

I love the “drive down walls feature” which apparently all your robots have :slight_smile:

Original design as well.

I think I’ll make a bulldozer bot next. Then it will probably avoid walls. :slight_smile:

A complete work of bot

I like the finished look of this robot. This one really has it all. It works, it looks good, it’s covered up. With a little more description, schematics, photos, etc. I would have awarded it full points.

Four stars from me.

I love the chassis design!

I love the chassis design! Very DarkSide :slight_smile:

And the way you integrated all the components, led, sensors, buzzer, coding … good work :wink:

Nice write up, eric. It

Nice write up, eric.

It should be possible to compile and upload you’re arduino files from eclipse - if i’m not wrong. I tried it out a couple weeks back, but the wasnt able to get it working. Now am I neither used to run eclipse, nor arduino IDE so both of them are kind of hostile to me. What I miss the most on the Arduino IDE is of course the debugger. When I realized that it was missing is when I tried to get it working on a eclipse. I haven’t tried the tab feature yet, just because I think it seems to have a bad GUI design. Lacking of shortcuts makes it irritating to work with.

About code leachers. I’m not sure what you are referring to here, but usually the best way to protect yourself against that kind of stuff to is, in my opinion, to share the code.

Anyway, nice project.

As promised
Upgraded my rating to five stars. Let’s see if the Drupal code will update my previous comment.

Cool bulldozer droid

I am not a star wars fan, so I didn’t knew about the mouse droids before. Very good wood work and description.

I also didn’t like the Arduino IDE much. Elipse is ok, but I would prefer Visual Studio. I knew about a write-up using Visual Studio with AVR-GCC but didn’t remember where I’ve seen that.

Great work ericski!

I love robots with character, I like the use of the piezo as a communication device, very appropriate, squeaks for a mousebot,
I’m giving it 5 stars real life rating, however i’m trying to weigh up my votes for the comp :frowning:
I think it is an excellent bot though, & it looks like you have a lot of room in there for futher developments, looking forward to seeing more of this chap, well done!

Final vote

Ok, I decided to follow mintvelts suggestion and give 5 stars for my Nr. 1, 4 stars for Nr.2 and so one, to give a clearer result for this contest.

This is my number 3. With some distance from the leading 2 bots. Creative design. Extensive wood work. Excelent teaser video. Following videos are moderate.