Motoko aftermath line follower

line following robot; running on 72MHz ARM Cortex M4, stm32f303 (pin compatibile with stm32f103); as controll loop pid is used for basic position control; for high level control mechanism, kohonen neural network and ilc is used;

more on my blog

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line follower

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

So cool!

I like the style of the robot.

that was awesome…I have built a simillar robot …

But which kind of motors you’ve used ?how can I contact you Michal?I’ve some programming questions about that part of the video which the robot loses it’s way

Great !!

great job really !! I like it …it’s better to say I love it ;D

I’m gonna use the sources in that link you did mention …

if it’s open source …is it ???

Line follower

This is a really nice combination of engineering and art! Thanks for sharing.

Do not have any idea about
Do not have any idea about Raspberry pi. Sorry! Hope you get resolved soon.