Meet "Walter"


Go to bed, we’re making videos :wink:

Fantastic, really.


AHAHA those video are great man! ROTFL! Your wife must have a great patience :slight_smile:

Funniest video on LMR so far :slight_smile:


Here is a good looking spot. And i realy like the bot.

ROFL, you gotta promise me
ROFL, you gotta promise me to make that thing autonomous / obstacle avoiding!! While you can still sit in it!!


Absolutely brilliant vids! Amazingly nice setup. Just awesome. did i mention brilliant?

You are so wrong
Do it again, LOL. Awesome video, and glad no one "got on fire".

the glee is just

the glee is just dripping all over my screen

and my pizza too

Guess who just made top billing in the next whatshawecallit!?!!

Your poor wife must be tortured.


when the robot revolt comes, i hope you can deal with a skyscraper sized chainsaw wielding robot of your own creation…

DeWalt motors sold separately
Guess what. You’re not the only one reusing old motors. Here’s a webshop that reuses new ones! Plus interesting spare parts, like gearboxes and O rings.

i love the vex

Get in the box
Hilarious part :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice work

Nice work on this robot, the vid with your wife is halarious.

hope you do well making robots in the future.