Meet "Walter"

That’s looking really smart. I see what you mean about giving an idea of scale. Your kid must be really really tiny to fit on that little robot chassis…!

Awesome. It must be great

Awesome. It must be great knowing how to weld :slight_smile: But then again, if I knew how to weld, my house would quickly fill up with giant-sized robots. At least when I make a new small robot, I can just put it on the coffe table with the others :slight_smile:


Frame looks awesome, and

Frame looks awesome, and your use of the garage door motor and gears.

How much can that machine lug around?

How much can it carry?
…I swear I am going to ride this thing!

Watch the current!

Bear in mind that when I “rode” Big Chaser, it blew a 10A fuse. You’re a little lighter than me, but watch yourself. The very thin copper tracks on your PCB are, effectively, a fuse. If you exceed the maximum current they can carry, the tracks on the PCB will burn out. It might be quite difficult to estimate the current carrying capacity of the tracks. The width of the track alone is not enough information, but also the depth from the substrate and that diminishes quite quickly in the etchant.

One thing I’ve seen done is to deposit solder all the way along the copper tracks which carry the high current. So, that’s the ones all the way from the battery, to the FET, from the FET to the relay and from there to the screw connectors. That will increase your current carrying capacity.

I think I will probably solder additional wires onto the bottom of mine instead.

And when the tracks still get too hot…

They will auto-repair/heal using the readily available solder .


good TING this time

Will your final bot still run of off the one 14.4V batpack? Or do you have a car battery in mind?



I need the battery pack for work!
…and a car battery is just too heavy. I have been looking at something like a motorcyle battery or maybe a RC car pack. All I know is that I am going to need some serious amp-hours.

One handed R/C
Dude, I couldn’t drive Big Chaser one-handed. That’s why we have wives - for holding the camera (TWSS).

Hmm, a wife you say…

I know, I know but Kari was at work all day and I just couldn’t keep the coolness of this robot from you guys!

What would MacGyver do?

-Hold the camera in one hand and the remote in the other.

In the most recent video,
In the most recent video, why did you add a SHARP IR Rangefinder, if its remote controlled?


The range finder…
Actually, not only is there a rangefinder but also a whole robot! --I needed the main board and didn’t want to take the whole bot apart so I just stuck the whole thing on.

Boom arm
Mount the camera on a boom arm on the robot, you dope!


Thanks, frits…
All that work and all I get from you is a open mouth emoticon? :slight_smile:

I gotta get a welding machine

I have to get / make and or buy a welder, it’s incredible what you can do with it…

Nice robot btw


So do you have a pretty small kid or a big robot, is it like a standard size child ? ; )

Impressive! Although,
Impressive! Although, perhaps because I have too many unfortunate memories of the dentist, those twin drill motors sound absolutely terrifying to me!

Trailer, you say…

Damn, that gives me an idea…

(and do you have a link to a good cheap battery? --I’ll kick it wit some google-i-faction, but if you know where to go already…)

Search for Marine Deep Cycle

Search for Marine Deep Cycle Batteries - find a place (preferrably local because of weight shipping costs) which refurbishes them.

You bastard. Those videos

You bastard. Those videos look so fun. You really make me wish I had something like this myself :slight_smile: "I not gonna go on fire!"
