
A Big Thanks to Pinaut and Stoerpeak for sharing their amazing code and ideas!


I couldn't wait for my parallel gripper to arrive so I cobbled one together from bits and bobs. It's a bit heavy for the rest of the arm but does the job.Need to upgrade gripper and add base rotation stability.

Used the following items:

heavy wooden platform

plastic frame from cpu fan

2 x standard metal gear servos

2 x mini servos

servo brackets,aluminum,etc


4 x25k pots

ribbon cable

5 aa batteries

2 x buttons

gripper (made from rectangular plastic, five sided servo arms, mini cable/housing from bicycle gear display/shifter, servo)








This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

that’s cools!

techset on youtube!

Maybe now you can make it so it works on its own, like it has a task to do and when it sences something it does it or a robt that helps build things in bulk like a convairer belt i like how it moves with the stick like virtual reality.

good job

Thanks! I might put it near

Thanks! I might put it near the stove make it stir my soups or something.Watch it melt!