Mc Digger

Hello everyone i want to introduce my new project. its my second robot with arduino + bluetooth. This robot can be controlled by Pc, tablets, smart phones. Its simple to create own robot.

This is the list of parts that i used:

1x Arduino uno

2x Dc gearbox motors with wheels

1x HC-05 bluetooth module

1x 4AA Battery pack

1x rear wheel 

1x 9v Battery pack

18x jumper wires

1x wire for arduino ext input

1x L293NE H-Bridge

Many Thanks for LMR's Members :)




Arduino uno Bluetooth Controlling, Android app

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I’m curious. Or as some people say, nosy.

So why the name “McDigger”? As I said, just curious.

And when you get the time, can you expand on what type of motors and battery pack? The motors/wheels look scrounged off of a child’s toy - nothing wrong with that, there are some good scrounging in toys. I still have an RC tank from from Walmart in case I want to try using it for a robot again (I converted a previous one, then I found another one for under half price…).

And are planning on making McDigger autonomous? I’ll tell you, it’s a real kick when you see your first robot doing something you programmed it to do. My first just had a switch in front for a sensor, and its programming was simple: go until you hit something or someone, then back up a bit, then rotate a random amount really fast, then go again.

Back then I was using a Lego Mindstorms kit and it didn’t have a remote control. Or many sensors.

you can get those motors

you can get those motors quite cheap on ebay like these motors + wheels. also see this nice cheap h-bridge motor controller.


Arduino Smart Car Robot Plastic Tire Wheel with Gear Motor DC-3-6v from ebay 4pcs cost 13$. like Dannyv sayed my robot are controlled by smart phone or table and also pc. Mc Digger becouse its look like a tractor :slight_smile: Video i will upload monday.

Thank you. I knew I’d seen
Thank you. I knew I’d seen those wheels and motors before. I have a Dagu Magician base and it has those sorts of wheels. Complete with the wheels and motors it’s around $14 from SparkFun.

I just have a bad sense of scale. You took a good picture, and I know how small an Arduino is, but for some reason I thought the wheels were much larger. My bad.

My sense of scale gets me all the time unless I measure to see what will really fit. Which is one of the reasons I measure carefully. :slight_smile: