Mc Digger

Posted on 12/07/2014 by gromer
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hello everyone i want to introduce my new project. its my second robot with arduino + bluetooth. This robot can be controlled by Pc, tablets, smart phones. Its simple to create own robot. This is the list of parts that i used: 1x Arduino uno 2x Dc gearbox motors with wheels 1x HC-05 bluetooth module 1x 4AA Battery pack 1x rear wheel  1x 9v Battery pack 18x jumper wires 1x wire for arduino ext input 1x L293NE H-Bridge Many Thanks for LMR's Members :) ]    

Mc Digger

Hello everyone i want to introduce my new project. its my second robot with arduino + bluetooth. This robot can be controlled by Pc, tablets, smart phones. Its simple to create own robot.

This is the list of parts that i used:

1x Arduino uno

2x Dc gearbox motors with wheels

1x HC-05 bluetooth module

1x 4AA Battery pack

1x rear wheel 

1x 9v Battery pack

18x jumper wires

1x wire for arduino ext input

1x L293NE H-Bridge

Many Thanks for LMR's Members :)




Arduino uno Bluetooth Controlling, Android app

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