Hello everyone i want to introduce my new project. its my second robot with arduino + bluetooth. This robot can be controlled by Pc, tablets, smart phones. Its simple to create own robot.
Congrats! I’m curious. Or as some people say, nosy.
So why the name “McDigger”? As I said, just curious.
And when you get the time, can you expand on what type of motors and battery pack? The motors/wheels look scrounged off of a child’s toy - nothing wrong with that, there are some good scrounging in toys. I still have an RC tank from from Walmart in case I want to try using it for a robot again (I converted a previous one, then I found another one for under half price…).
And are planning on making McDigger autonomous? I’ll tell you, it’s a real kick when you see your first robot doing something you programmed it to do. My first just had a switch in front for a sensor, and its programming was simple: go until you hit something or someone, then back up a bit, then rotate a random amount really fast, then go again.
Back then I was using a Lego Mindstorms kit and it didn’t have a remote control. Or many sensors.
Arduino Smart Car Robot Plastic Tire Wheel with Gear Motor DC-3-6v from ebay 4pcs cost 13$. like Dannyv sayed my robot are controlled by smart phone or table and also pc. Mc Digger becouse its look like a tractor Video i will upload monday.
Thank you. I knew I’d seen Thank you. I knew I’d seen those wheels and motors before. I have a Dagu Magician base and it has those sorts of wheels. Complete with the wheels and motors it’s around $14 from SparkFun.
I just have a bad sense of scale. You took a good picture, and I know how small an Arduino is, but for some reason I thought the wheels were much larger. My bad.
My sense of scale gets me all the time unless I measure to see what will really fit. Which is one of the reasons I measure carefully.