Making telepresence robot

I made  telepresence robot.
Device was mounted on the robot:LIVA(small windows PC),Arduino
Development language:Processing
I have made three programs.(Processing)

1.Robots program
2.UDP Server program
3.Operations program

This system uses the UDP Socket and WebRTC.
Via the UDP server on the Internet, this system will exchange audio and video and control commands. 
Robot from the server 
It was transmitted at an average 20ms/command.
I will by the end of the year, to put "arms" in the robot. 

I will exhibit the makers faire tokyo 2014.
I am not good at English. XD
I will fix it later.thank you very much :)

1.I've finally implement the arm.
2.Since the master arm control device was made ​​in two days there is a problem with the durability.
3.The server supports the connection of multiple robots.
4.I is creating a master arm control device that is durable.
5.All the program is scheduled to be rewritten in C++.

HW list

LIVA Intel Bay Trail-M SoC/2GB/Windows8.1
Arduino Uno
Arduino micro
Pololu 75: 1 Metal Gearmotor 25Dx54L mm HP 6V with 48 CPR Encoder
Monster moto shield
USB Speaker:
Analog mic:

Arduino Uno
Thumb Joystick

Telepresence robot

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Following the head movement

Following the head movement looks awesome. One question – I see there is a slight delay, a lag. I tried the Oculus Rift on once, and I can tell that any lag, even tents of seconds, is immediately noticeable and makes you instantly sick. Do you have this problem with this robot’s camera? Does it feel disorienting?

Exactly. Delay exists. As

Exactly. Delay exists. 
As you can imagine, it is inevitable delay in video transmission over the Internet. 
Subjects will remember feeling like seasickness. 
However, a different place, a subject you can experience yourself of one other person is present in a different perspective. 
Experience of the latter will outweigh the former. 

thanks. :)

Very nice robot…
It looks very well built. I work in wood when I can for robots. I like the little shelves: it looks like you could put sensors anywhere you needed them.

You also have a very nicely organized office, which I don’t have either. :frowning:

I’ll have to look at this from my laptop because my tablet can’t see your movie. I’m hoping to be able to experiment with telepresence sometime in the future.

telepresence robot

Rather good!.


I would like to see some consruction details and some programme documentation.


Thank you for your opinion

Thank you for your opinion .

to the near future , it will write the details .
just wait :smiley:

That is a very cool robot
I assume you will put grippers on the arms?

I’m sorry , I do not know

I’m sorry , I do not know the meaning of the gripper .
Maybe , finger ?

Finger is scheduled to give .

However , it is I think difficult to put a practical finger at this size .

  1. torque is not enough .
  2. feedback mechanism necessary .

I arm and fingers we believe that for the gesture .

The tray R2D2 had been mounted if carry things we think best . ( Episode 6 ) XD

so nice robot

hello i find very nice your robot i was very nice if you can give us plan for build it the same

have you a website?

thank you

telepresence robot

 Nice project,  but without contruction details, HW list and SW documentaion not much detail

 information. I thought that giving details was the purpose of this Site, not just telling us somethimg has been done.


I’m sorry.Web site there is

I’m sorry.
Web site there is , but it is Japanese .
English page also is scheduled to make .

I created three programs and hardware alone , there is no time to create a document for the public because it is the creation of a body design .
I will rewrite all the program in C ++, is scheduled to be published as a library .
My English is poor.XD


HW list
excuse me.:frowning:
It will update HW list.

Yes. a gripper is a hand
Yes. a gripper is a hand

This is awesome!

This is a great project and I think it has an unimaginable amount of possible applications. If you added a bit of robotics so that the hands could be used to pick things up, move things, turn a dial of flip a switch perhaps? Maybe swap out a hand attachment for various tool attachments? This could be used for all sorts of things where a human presense is needed but perhaps the environment is unsafe to send an actual person. I could see a later version of these robots working in foundries, power plants, diffusing explosives etc. You’re really on to something here. You could even use one of these to care for your house cat when you’re out of town at a convention selling more of them!

Thank you.

Yes, this is the new style in order to export the labor force.:slight_smile: