Could you please give us an estimated timeline for when the private package will be made public?
Later today
Additionally, we are currently focusing on implementing a pick-and-place operation with the arm. Could you advise if the package in question is essential for this specific functionality, or is it possible for us to proceed without it for the time being?
“Unlike the “fake controller” the “simulated controller” integrates the robot controllers with Gazebo, allowing a realistic simulation of the robot’s motion. This is useful for testing and validating the robot’s behavior in a simulated environment before deploying it in the real world.”
Hello, thanks for your continous support. After fixing the gcc and g++ we are still trying to build lss_ros2_control we the face an issue with Catch2 not being properly recognized so I updated the header files to include catch_all but now I’m facing this rclcpp issue and I can’t advance.
Thank you for your help much appreciated, cheers
Yeah, I followed the article. Then I got an error of catch2 not included, I had to go to some filed in the project and change cath.hpp to catch_all.hpp I read that in the catch2 documentation on github and it fixed the issue then I got the rclcpp issue that I linked. Do you think it’s a problem with the installation of catch2? from github it seems that catch2 gets a lot of updates so maybe the project stopped working at some point.
still facing the same isuue ,
to make things clear, I got an error of catch2 not included, I had to go to synthesis.cpp, synthesis.cpp, parser.cpp, and files in the project and change catch.hpp to catch_all.hpp, then i got this issue , i have tried sudo apt install ros-galactic-ament-cmake-catch2 also but nothing changed
I will try to use the movit package without the lss_ros2_control package, how that will be affected , our focus is to detect an object then place an order for the arm to pick it then place it in other places , could you lead us how to do that
Hello. Hope this finds you well. We are still struggling with getting your software to work. I believe we’ve followed all steps on the github. uninstalleded, installed ROS, installed older version of Catch2.
But we are stuck at this RCLCPP error. all the other packages build fine but this one is giving us trouble. we’ve managed to plan motion on RVIZ but we want to control the arm physically with ROS2.
Please see if you can help with anything. If it’s not much hassle could you try following the steps on the github page on a fresh ubuntu install maybe that could help you detect the problem. Thank you very much for your continous support.
I also tried running the matlab app which should work out of the box but I’ve gotten multiple errors. I’d really appreciate your help as I am on a tight deadline, preferrably I would like to use the Ros package but since that has been given me errors I’m not sure, like I said it would be really helpful if you could try a fresh install of the package on the ubuntu 20.04 and see if you get the same errors? the github page needs to be updated at least to tell users to install an older version of catch2.
I am not sure what the rclcpp isssue is being caused by but you know a complicated project like this one, even if I knew I don’t think I could or that it should be up to me to fix. The package should work out of the box to let user focus on development but we keep running into issues. There’s not much material out there that deals with this specific arm, I would recommend creating a youtbe video that goes through the hardware set up process.
Thank for your contious support. My apologies if my tone sounds rude or frustrated, sorry for bad english