Lynxmotion SES-V2 Robotic Arm (4 DoF) ros2

For Lynxmotion SES-V2 Robotic Arm (4 DoF) ros2 I’ve been unable to build the workspace all day, it seems to be an acess issue. The repositry is private I think

@AliAbubaker To confirm, are you using the following:


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Thank you for responding yes i am using this one

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@geraldinebc15 Can you take a look?

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Hello @AliAbubaker,

Can you share the error message?


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sdp@sdp-desktop:~/ros2_ws$ colcon build Starting >>> lss_arm_description Starting >>> lss_ros2_control Finished <<< lss_arm_description [1.85s]
Starting >>> lss_arm_moveit Finished <<< lss_arm_moveit [1.49s]
Starting >>> lss_ign_moveit_example The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established… ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:p2QAMXNIC1TJYWeIOttrVc98/R1BUFWu3/LiyKgUfQM. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? Finished <<< lss_ign_moveit_example [23.6s]
Starting >>> lss_arm
Finished <<< lss_arm [1.43s]
[Processing: lss_ros2_control]
[Processing: lss_ros2_control]
[Processing: lss_ros2_control]
Aborted <<< lss_ros2_control [2min 8s]Summary: 4 packages finished [2min 10s] 1 package aborted: lss_ros2_control 1 package had stderr output: lss_ros2_control

Also this takes forever

The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established… ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:p2QAMXNIC1TJYWeIOttrVc98/R1BUFWu3/LiyKgUfQM. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

Did you answer yes?

If not please check GitHub’s public key first (see “GitHub’s SSH key fingerprints”) and, if you find a match, then you can answer ‘yes’.

Also this takes forever

It is perfectly normal the first time you build a big project in ROS. If you prefer going step by step you can try using:
colcon build --packages-select

For example, you can first start by building the “lss_arm_description” package and test if everything was built correctly by running:
ros2 launch lss_arm_description dof:=4

Let me know how it goes! :grin:

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After solving the SSH authenticity problem another error pop-up (Repository not found.) Failed to clone repository: ‘[email protected]:lynxmotionbeta/LSS-Arduino-2.git’, i have looked for that repository but i found that the repository needed might be from [email protected]:lynxmotionbeta/LSS_Library_Arduino.git , after replasing the repositories in file (BuildLyxmotionLSS.cmake) unfortanatly another error occurred fatal: invalid reference: feature/lss-bus-refactor this error prevents lss_ros2_control from building , it reaches 50% then it fail. i will provide you with the two error messages hoping that you can assist me with this issue )

Error.txt (5.2 KB)

Thank you with your help i was able to solve the first problem can you help me with the ubove

After solving the SSH authenticity problem another error pop-up (Repository not found.) Failed to clone repository: ‘[email protected]:lynxmotionbeta/LSS-Arduino-2.git’, i have looked for that repository but i found that the repository needed might be from [email protected]:lynxmotionbeta/LSS_Library_Arduino.git , after replasing the repositories in file (BuildLyxmotionLSS.cmake) unfortanatly another error occurred fatal: invalid reference: feature/lss-bus-refactor this error prevents lss_ros2_control from building , it reaches 50% then it fail. i will provide you with the two error messages hoping that you can assist me with this issue )

Thanks guys for all your efforts and for responding. We’ve been trying to build the workspace for days and it’s not working.

I beleive we are following all the steps correctly from GitHub - Lynxmotion/LSS-ROS2-Arms
Hope I typed that out correctly.

Anyway it always seem that the problem is with access rights. There are 5 packages in this project all of them install correctly except one lss_ros2_control

So I tried to skip it and finally it builds and I can run some of the commands from the webpage but it crashes and doesn’t function properly.

So I tried to get lss_ros2_control independetly from another place GitHub - Lynxmotion/LSS-ROS2-Control: LSS-ROS2-Hardware
With help from chatgpt I get it to start building but it fails due to the same error I outlined in the very first post an access issue, mainly is unaccessible.

Attempting to access it on a webpage results in a 404 error.

I really apologize for any negligence or incompetence on our part. We are amateurs when it comes to linux, ros and github. Thanks for your help, sorry for bad english :frowning: :frowning:

Hello @AliAbubaker

I really apologize for any negligence or incompetence on our part. We are amateurs when it comes to linux, ros and github. Thanks for your help, sorry for bad English

Not at all, the issue wasn’t on your part. Because the project is divided into different repositories (so the “control node” can be used on various projects that use the same motors), these have many dependencies, one of which is private, so it was hard to track the cause of the error. I will work on making it public and let you know when you can use it. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.


Thank you for the update and for clarifying the situation. I appreciate your efforts in making the necessary components accessible .

Could you please give us an estimated timeline for when the private package will be made public? This information will help us plan our next steps accordingly.

Additionally, we are currently focusing on implementing a pick-and-place operation with the arm. Could you advise if the package in question is essential for this specific functionality, or is it possible for us to proceed without it for the time being?

Thank you again for your support and assistance.

Hello @AliAbubaker,

Could you please give us an estimated timeline for when the private package will be made public?

Later today :smiley:

Additionally, we are currently focusing on implementing a pick-and-place operation with the arm. Could you advise if the package in question is essential for this specific functionality, or is it possible for us to proceed without it for the time being?

The package in question allows you to move the physical arm but it is not essential to start implementing a pick-and-place operation, for that you can start by using the MoveIt package

And simulate it using Gazebo Ignition (you can find an example in the repository). Look for:

Simulated controller (Rviz Interface + Ignition Gazebo Simulation)

“Unlike the “fake controller” the “simulated controller” integrates the robot controllers with Gazebo, allowing a realistic simulation of the robot’s motion. This is useful for testing and validating the robot’s behavior in a simulated environment before deploying it in the real world.”


It is now public!

Please update your local copy of the repository (use “git pull”)

This repo should be updated and point to the correct dependency which is now public.

Let me know how it goes :smiley:


error.txt (86.9 KB)
Thank you for your assistance :pray:, I was able to proceed with the repository updates but unfortunately this error showed up

Please try running:

sudo apt update


sudo apt upgrade

Then build again

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still the same issue