Lynxmotion - Hunter VTail 400 & 500

On P4 of the “Lyxnmotion - UAV Electronic Guide v1.0” … de-v10.pdf

Give us some information as it is very difficult to support without them.
What are you using as battery ?

using a 3cell 11.1 3700mah lipo to power the copter.
When I connect it to just one motor and ESC it just gives a single beep over and over and over.
But when connected to the system will all motors and boards it powers up ok.

When doing that test, how do you connect everything together, picture ?

Here is the procedure for ESC calibration:

I did the ESC calibration.
connected the wiring to multiwii board making sure only one has the red wire connected.
I turned on the transmitter made sure the throttle is set at the lowest setting and connected battery to UAV.
I now get a constant beep beep beep sound. they are very close together.
According to the tmotor paperwork with the ESC modules it is saying that the throttle stick is not set at the lowest setting. But it is.

When the ESC’s are connected directly to the flight controller, the signal don’t come from the Receiver but from the Flight Controller.
At that state, moving the throttle (if not armed) will not have any effect on the output to the ESC’s.

You said earlier that you have change your transmitter, have you change your end point (1000-2000) before calibrating the ESC (one by one) ?

T-Motor ESC’s will “beep” when they do not see the lowest value at power up.
I will check once at work, there is a parameter in the MultiWii to raise the minimum value sent when it’s not armed (Knowing you have a tmotor setup help here).

Once at work, i try that and let you know.
If it need changes, i will upload a full MultiWii file with the value changed.

After trying it here, there should be no need to lower value in the MultiWii.
Can you post pictures of how you wired the ESC’s to the Flight Controller ?

The T-Motor ESC’s will “Beep” all the time if they don’t see signal.
So either they are not calibrated right or they are not connected the right way.

Pictures will really clarify things.

Here is the connections

It used to power up and never gave this issue.
Here is a picture of the receiver. I removed the red,white,black cable from ch3 which is the throttle channel and connect the yellow,red,brown wire from the esc into that ch3 port. They beep the correct way during programming. I reset ESC’s and redid the high low program for each esc and still get the error tone.

Have you done the 120% end point setting in your tactic transmitter before doing the ESC’s calibration?


Here is the config screen

Controller screen

Are you feeling right about multiwii/arduino uploading?
Cause I would show you how to calibrate with the multiwii and you need to upload.

They are all at 100% not 120%.
why your throttle is not at 1000?

Ch3 which is the throttle is set 120% both top and bottom

If you can/want to walk me through it that would be great

I sent you an email

I am not at work, so can’t reply from the support center (Where you sent the email most probably)
You can have a look at the P.22 of the “MultiWii Software Configuration” manual.
Read it all first, be sure to remove the propellers before doing this.

If you don’t feel confortable, don’t do it.

It will basically do the same thing you did manually with the receiver but from the flight controller.
That is sure to be the right way to do it.

On another note, you should have all of your channel at 120% like said in the manual, not only the Throttle.
This is not your issue with the “beep” sound but it will be a problem later.

Bright Lights!!!

OK, I ran the esc config.ino file.
It ran the esc config and now ok. when I connect battery it beeps like normal and all seems ok.
I made the changes on the controller so all the high and lows are at the 120% (correct?)
now the question I have before I start putting the props on, is that now when I arm the motors they start spinning right away.
Is this normal.
In the multiwii config screen all values at center are 1500. on all the low settings it is 1000 and all the highs 2000.