Eitherway I think it would be cool, on top the buttons are easier to get to… underneath it’s tucked away, shielded from impact, stealthier. In that guy Tim’s Youtube video there was the top plate and then his gps was on top of that with standoffs. Looked very tall… since I plan to have the gps, I have some .25 and whatever 3/8ths of an inch in decimal form is… standoffs on order in hope that I might be able to bring the gps board lower down… dunno if that’s a good idea or not tho due to would there be interference or not… so in my selfish own case, I would be mounting it underneath… altho now that I think about it I was going to order my FC with straight pins… maybe I need to change that to 90 degree pins instead… Love your work btw, was impressed you threw something together so fast. No make someone make it!!! heehee
I really really like this idea. Almost like those gimbel mount cushin thingies but smaller??
Hi my name is Jonny, Contact me at:
theinnerbreed@ hotmail . co . uk and we can get you one designed.
Just sent you an email.
on the 500 bundle, does it HAVE to be Deans connectors? Can a customer request XT60’s or whatever they are?
The wiring harness we have is a Deans type, but we have adapters to convert it to XT60.
Deans to XT60 Adapter Cable

The wiring harness we have is a Deans type, but we have adapters to convert it to XT60.
Deans to XT60 Adapter Cable
I was more wondering about this:
I’m wondering if this is Deans then does that mean the ESCs will be Deans also?
Yes, all the packages we do use connectors.
We order our ESC’s with deans already soldered so it make for an easier solder-less experience.
You just have to change the end connector to the battery if you want to use XT60 batteries, if that’s what you are wondering.
We have the connectors alone if you want to do a clean job too.
I’m duplicating what you just said… basically when I buy my bundle, it comes with the T-Motors and ESCs, i’m just trying to get an idea how many i’ll need to replace.
Is there a reason why you want to replace connectors ?
The only one i can see is that your battery come with an XT60 connection, in this case you only need to order one connector or one adapter
I am just not doing a very good job of typing this morning. You were able to respond before I made my second post. I’m just slow like that. I was mainly asking about the connectors as a side thought. Saturday I started ordering parts and pieces and one of the things I ordered was a power distribution board so the connectors aren’t really a big deal I was just curious.
I’ll probably wind up using the included wiring harness as scrap wire to solder.
I also had questions about the two arm pieces and the one tail p there are two horizontal plate and there are two vertical plate on the inside I’m wondering if I can put the ESC in the middle.now that I have started ordering parts and pieces my train of thought has transitioned into how I will be putting everything together.
The esc’s for the 500 will not fit Inside the frame rails.
But most people mount them on top of the arm as they are also cooled by the propellers.
You might be able to mount them vertical close to the landing mount but that’s not really good looking either.
my plan, in theory anyway, is that I am going to order all components, electronics, whatever I need, and then order the bundle last. That way as I put the frame together I can test and fit and see where I want to put stuff as I put it together. this past Saturday I ordered a power distribution board, the flight controller I plan to use, and then odds and ends such as heat shrink, standoffs, etc. Next will be transmitter/receiver, batteries, charger. Then after that probably the bundle. Still need to order vtx, but that’s lowest priority.
Why did you guys pick that battery? For $62…
If I went with something cheaper what ill effects would I see?
The transmitter you guys suggest, is it cause it’s tailored to the flip board you guys use? As a newbie, how versatile is this particular transmitter? Can I use it with any future quad I build? How big is the receiver? And does it take other manufacturers?
not sure if I worded that correctly but my friend was telling me that you can get smaller receivers to bind with your transmitter from other companies.
Plus my buddy was saying he has 8 channels and wishes he had a 9th, and the one suggested only has 7 so I’m just curious.
This is a 30C 3800mAh battery in 3S configuration, if you find something else with the same or similar specifications it will be ok.
It’s hard to get batteries cheaper than from China …
The transmitter we suggest is one that can have “End Point” adjustment, because MultiWii requires the full signal range.
Any other Transmitter/Receiver that allows to change that value will work.
Some companies make clones of receivers, mostly for Futaba and JR/Spektrum.
In order to “Fly” a multicopter with MultiWii you need a minimum of 4 channels for Ailerons, Rudder, Throttle and Pitch. (Or similar name…)
This said, the other channels can be connected to trigger flight modes and other things while in the air.

This is a 30C 3800mAh battery in 3S configuration, if you find something else with the same or similar specifications it will be ok.
It’s hard to get batteries cheaper than from China …
So what’s flexible? I know it’s got to be 3s (4s would probably be too heavy) The T-Motors for the 500 say they have a burst of 22 amps I think, could I do a 25c? or a 40c? Not knowing batteries means not sure what can be bad… 3800mah, what happens if I go to 4000mah?