LR3 Bonnet connectors, where to find?

Sorry, if I’m nagging, I migh have posted this in wrong section originally, and couldn’t find out how to correct it afterwards. So I hope for better luck by posting this again.

What I am looking for, is where to find replacements for bonnet connectors, both for the bonnet it self, but also for the base - the small metallic pieces where the bonnet connects to.

I have tried find these on shop page with no luck.

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Hi @Leif !

Yes, we have these pins as spare parts.

Would you like to buy it from us? Which quantities?

Thank you.

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Yes please, but from RobotShop in Netherlands ---- it’s nearest for me. I tried to find them also on their page, but results with “nada”. How do we now do, I am going to order also other parts than just these.

Hi again @Leif !

We will transfer this topic to our internal support so we can better help you.

Thank you.

This topic was transferred to internal RobotShop Support.