Looking for suitable 2D home measurement tool for autocad software

I am looking for a suitable 2d home measurement tool for autocad software. Have an idea for a good product?

Hello @eladd and welcome to the forum!

The best option would be a Rotational Lidar, for example:

If I walk around the house with this device will it give me the sketch of the whole house?
In addition, I did not understand how to make the use of a device in robots one that performs a drawing

Hello @eladd,

If I walk around the house with this device will it give me the sketch of the whole house?

It will create a 2D point cloud, if you want to create a sketch or output a format compatible with the software you want to use it is best to contact the manufacturer and ask for the options available.

I did not understand how to make the use of a device in robots one that performs a drawing

Not sure what you meant by this. In case you are asking about how robots use LIDAR, they use the device to generate the data used as input to create maps using SLAM. If you are interested in this type of robots simply search for LIDAR robots.