Logging output data with Flowbotics Studio

500kg S type Load Cell./Phidget Bridge connected thru Flowbotics.
assembled a simple schematic and have produced calibrated mv/V readings.
how to log the output into a spreadsheet format?
I tried to purchase the Flowbotics app to log the data but was informed by the company that it is nonfuctional.
does anyone know the workflow to measure output vs time into spreadsheet columns?


You can use the FlowBotics App for Phidgets Wheatstone Bridge Sensor Interface. It came to our attention that you had an issue activating the app. By having a Flowbotics license, you should be able to open the app through Flowbotics without encountering an activation issue.
This tutorial might be also useful to explain how you can export logged data and import it into a spreadsheet.

Hi, the tutorial is very helpful.
i was able to access the app and am now happily logging/exporting data.
thanks very much for your help

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