All I did was actually to cut the bumper's wire, place a ER900RS-02 instead of it (tried to have both, but nogo), fire up my old joystick Black Box.. and camera.. and go :D (20 minutes max)
The code in it:
'What is recieved for any 9 possible positions of jopystick + 2 buttons: 'ABC 'DSF 'GHI 'X Y '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'high 0,1,2,4' set all pins conected to motor as output pins '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' high 0,1,2,4 main: serin 3, T2400, b0 select case b0 'case "X" - not used to save memory in Picaxe 08, tricks are performed with trick-data send from outside 'case "Y" - not used to save memory in Picaxe 08, tricks are performed with trick-data send from outside case "B" let pins = %00010010 case "C" let pins = %00010000 case "A" let pins = %00000010 case "F" let pins = %00010001 case "D" let pins = %00000110 case "H" let pins = %00000101 case "G" let pins = %00000100 case "I" let pins = %00000001 else'Case "S" for "Stop" let pins = %00000000 endselect goto main ' There you go - total drive-control in every way from serial 104 bytes out of 128 possible with Picaxe8.. 24 bytes left ;)
- So all tricks and everything is actually made in my magic black box, which is esentially an old joystick with an Easy Radio, Picaxe28, LCD, some nots etc.. From that I send all the commands, and so i just press "Fire" on the joystick to make it spin 360, the other button to do another trick, turn a not and make ajustements etc :)
So.. Now little 8 can be controlled by a picaxe28 with an EA on it. Well.. Now another robot is going to be just that, and so another robot will control Little 8 :) .. I think ;)
Shows how far you can get with very few and cheap materials
THAT VIDEO IS NOT CORNY (but of course remote controlled things are corny, it is not really a robot imho;)
And yeah, we are implementing "Send link to friend"… maby we should have a competition in here, best wins a gift-certificate or something!
Where are your videos, btw? I know you have made some!!
Regarding the Nano-link; Well, as said somewhere else, it was never really the intention of making little 8 small - it was just small components, it really isn´t that small, the circuit could have been 1/6 the size, and batteries another kind, smaller switches etc… But small was really not the goal, just to have fun with a picaxe8 and some cool little motors!
Really like this little critter, this could possibly fit in side an empty mouse shell, maybe with the mouse functionality intact, which could be realy fun.
Think about it, someone sits down to use your computer and suddenly the mouse starts to move around by it self, that could be fun.
That looks so fun to play That looks so fun to play with. Small and nervous. Like a mouse on coke Wish I had some of those radio modules to play with, it seems like that opens up so many possibilities.