Little 8R

Posted on 18/02/2008 by fritsl
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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If the Google video is not working, please see the video here I proudly present part II of the "Little 8"-project!All I did was actually to cut the bumper's wire, place a ER900RS-02 instead of it (tried to have both, but nogo), fire up my old joystick Black Box.. and camera.. and go :D (20 minutes max)   The code in it: 'What is recieved for any 9 possible positions of jopystick + 2 buttons: 'ABC'DSF'GHI 'X Y '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''high ...

Little 8R

If the Google video is not working, please see the video here

I proudly present part II of the "Little 8"-project!

All I did was actually to cut the bumper's wire, place a ER900RS-02 instead of it (tried to have both, but nogo), fire up my old joystick Black Box.. and camera.. and go :D (20 minutes max)


The code in it:

'What is recieved for any 9 possible positions of jopystick + 2 buttons:
'X Y
'high 0,1,2,4' set all pins conected to motor as output pins

high 0,1,2,4

serin 3, T2400, b0
select case b0

'case "X" - not used to save memory in Picaxe 08, tricks are performed with trick-data send from outside
'case "Y" - not used to save memory in Picaxe 08, tricks are performed with trick-data send from outside

case "B"
let pins = %00010010

case "C"
let pins = %00010000
case "A"
let pins = %00000010
case "F"
let pins = %00010001
case "D"
let pins = %00000110
case "H"
let pins = %00000101
case "G"
let pins = %00000100
case "I"
let pins = %00000001
'Case "S" for "Stop"
let pins = %00000000
goto main

' There you go - total drive-control in every way from serial 104 bytes out of 128 possible with Picaxe8.. 24 bytes left ;)

- So all tricks and everything is actually made in my magic black box, which is esentially an old joystick with an Easy Radio, Picaxe28, LCD, some nots etc.. From that I send all the commands, and so i just press "Fire" on the joystick to make it spin 360, the other button to do another trick, turn a not and make ajustements etc :)


So.. Now little 8 can be controlled by a picaxe28 with an EA on it. Well.. Now another robot is going to be just that, and so another robot will control Little 8 :) .. I think ;)


Shows how far you can get with very few and cheap materials

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 tiny motors
  • Control method: Easy Radio wireless, via joystick
  • CPU: picaxe 8
  • Operating system: Picaxe
  • Power source: 9v battery, 5v regulator
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
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