LitterRobot 3 stopped working : flashing blue light, no response


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.

Description: Robot starts with Blue light flashing and will not respond to any input

Hardware concerned:Litter Robot 3

Software concerned:

Troubleshooting steps already taken: Cleaned / removed any rust from all contacts. DFI board has been coated to protect against corrosion (which worked for a while). Box cleaned and washed.

Additional information: this keeps happening.

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

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Hi @edster99

Can you please give us the serial number of the robot?

Thank you.


Serial number is LR3143729

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Hi @edster99

Thank you for your reply.

You already tried these troubleshooting steps Litter-Robot III Open Air - Blue Blinking Light ?

What is the state of anti-pinch pins? Are they in bad shape and need to be replaced?

ive cleaned them- wire wool and a fine file so not sure they could be shinier

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