I have a litter robot 3 with a DFI issue. I have confirmed that the DFI is faulty with support and they are sending me a replacement.
However since the replacement is going to take a week or 2 to reach me I’m wondering if there is a way I can get the globe to rotate as a one-off so that I don’t have to scoop litter!
Currently when I turn the unit on at the wall the blue light blinks slowly (DFI issue), then when I hit reset the yellow light blinks quickly. This would usually suggest a pinch sensor issue but I’ve checked the metal pins and cleaned them too. Support said this is common to see when you have a DFI issue. They suggested a hard reset but this didn’t do anything: Litter-Robot III Open Air - Hard Reset
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get the globe to rotate whilst I await the replacement?