Line tracker built with SES brackets

Fueled by popular request (not really) and an intense desire to begin the chain of events that will lead to the creation of skynet (not likely) and perhaps a little bit of boredom (this one). We’ve created a tiny buggy of a line tracker with just SES brackets. :smiley:


Parts list (in no particular order…):
ASB-24 (pair)
S1425CR x2
AHS-02 x2

Code used:

[code];Program: tracker1.bas Basic Micro Studio v1.0.0.10
;Written by James Frye
;Simple line following

LMotor_Offset con 400
RMotor_Offset con 0

LValue var bit
CValue var bit
RValue var bit

L_Motor con p0
R_Motor con p1

LSpeed var sword
RSpeed var sword

LSpeed = 6000
RSpeed = 6000

xx var byte

hservo[L_Motor\0\0, R_Motor\0\0]

ON con 0
OFF con 1


gosub ReadSensors

if RValue = ON then : RSpeed = (RSpeed - 200) MIN -2000 : endif

if LValue = ON then : LSpeed = (LSpeed - 200) MIN -2000 : endif

if CValue = ON then
LSpeed = (LSpeed + 100) MAX 6000
RSpeed = (RSpeed + 100) MAX 6000

gosub Move

goto Main


hservo[L_Motor(-LSpeed+LMotor_Offset)\0, R_Motor(RSpeed+RMotor_Offset)\0]



LValue = in4
CValue = in5
RValue = in6


One problem: It needs a name. Discuss. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is awesome! Ingenious! It’s like instead of a boe bot its a lynxbot! :laughing:

How about Gor? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nice James!

But what happened to the PIX? I’m not seeing them.

Edit: I’m seeing pix now. I think I had a memory problem.

It’s obviously a differentially-steered SES 'bot

DS-SES 'bot

Alan KM6VV

How much will it cost to make?

Other names:

Tracker Bot
Seeker Bot
Jamsenstien Bot!

OK, you’ve got it following lines! How about adding a pair of IR rangers, and making it into a Micromouse!

Alan KM6VV


Good work James. It’s a great starting platform. Saidly enough I’m not good in names… :frowning:

It should end up costing around $200 for everything, including the battery.

Micromouse? Whassat?

Erm… :laughing:

I was looking at the pictures and thought it might be better to put the battery pack under the ABB2 using taller standoffs. This would give the bot more ground clearance.

Not sure if the battery would fit up there, but even if it did, you’d only be gaining about 1/16" because of the line tracker sensor.

Oh… it’ll fit. If you can’t fix it, force it! Right? :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah you would not gain much due to the line tracker.

You’ve never heard of the Micromouse competitions?

Mark III Store

Note: Mark III pix above configured for line following or Sumo (I’ve got one on order).
Edit: fixed link.

Alan KM6VV

Man Allan! you buy everything! :open_mouth: :laughing:

Nope, I hadn’t. Sounds pretty interesting though.

Haha, oh yeah, the brute force method! Almost forgot about it. :smiley:

Hi Mike,

Yeah, I’m trying to set up some entry level Micromouse 'bots for new and/or young club members (HBRobotics). I’ve just ordered a few more PS2 receivers (ROV), I intend to set up one or more of these Mark III 'bots, and then have visitors/young members drive them around the Micromouse maze. Also, I’m thinking we can play “TAG” with a ROV Micromouse, and an Autonomous Micromouse.

I’ve got a fully “Engineered” Micromouse designed and partially built, with DC Servo motors and encoders, Dual PID servo controllers, and a separate Nav computer.

Should be fun!

Alan KM6VV

Updated the parts list in the first post with links to each part.

You could call it Phishingline. :smiley:


So this code is for the 'PRO? I can see the hservo commands. What about the BasicMicro? it has a servo command (which isn’t working for me), but I see build 46 (servo centering) using the pulsout (which I haven’t tried yet). I know I’ve driven servos directly before, although I can’t remember where.

What to use?

Alan KM6VV

The Hservo command is probably the best way to go. If you want to go old school you can generate the pulses with pulsout and pause. I would avoid the servo command as it is tricky to get it working without jerks going into and exiting the command. I think it was one of those “sounded like a good idea at the time” things that when implemented has problems working correctly.