Line follower "GOOFY"

This is my very first line following robot that is built around ATMEGA8. Construction and circuit are quite simple. Such a name- GOOFY is given because robot movements are somewhat clumsy. But hey! Its still working and doing his job very well! :)

There is two geared DC motors that are controlled using PWM. Tyres are the ones that are used in RC cars. Besides-these have a nifty looking. 

You may ask "Whats that tho pieces of metall on screws in front of robot? ". The thing is that batteries behind robot is a bit weighty so it lift the front with sensors (which means that sensors can not sense the line :( ). As a solution I added two screws and some parts from an old equipment in front of a base plate. Hahaaa- it works! :D 


Everything started with this: 

Here is a circuit if You're interested: 

Hope You like it! :) 



Follows a line

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 geared motors
  • Control method: Autonomous.
  • CPU: none
  • Operating system: -
  • Power source: 12v 8xAA battery pack
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: 4 IR photointerupters
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

**That’s a very cool robot! **

That’s a very cool robot! I really like the acrylic base. Did you make that yourself?



Yes. I cut the base with

Yes. I cut the base with handsaw. A bit of work -and here it is!


Nice Wheels mate, where did
Nice Wheels mate, where did you get them from?

Thanks! :slight_smile: These are RC Car
Thanks! :slight_smile: These are RC Car model wheels. I get them from a local shop.

Oh :frowning: They are really cool
Oh :frowning: They are really cool :slight_smile: Hmm got to finde something like that :wink:

circuit diagram

The circuit diagram is not visible…please make it visible

I wanna make it!

plzz send me the circuit diagram on my mail as soon as possible, I am eager to make it my mail id is [email protected]


thanks for ur help but the file has got an extension  .lay i just want to know which software supports it…

good job! how many IR

good job!


how many IR sensors in the line follower?

There is 4 IR sensors in the

There is 4 IR sensors in the robot. :wink:

Would you consider

Getting it an micro processor, and making it solve a maze


ATMega is a microprocessor… what use for another one?

whoa whoa, for some reason i

whoa whoa, for some reason i thought it was logic controlled…

awesome robot you got there!


  also:   the geared motors…  where did you get them?

These motors come from ELFA

These motors come from ELFA store in Latvia.

You can search for similar on Ebay or other e-shops. :wink:

Thanks! could you please

Thanks! could you please also tell me the lenght of the motor with the gearbox?