Line follower debug application

line follower debug application written in C++ using opengl as GUI, written within 5 days ^_^ ; robot transmitts data via uart, in text format; on PC side is running parser from uart and in separate thread visualisation; these data are processed : line position, sensors , 9DOF, controller parameters

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Very nice graphics display. Please post some pictures and info on the hardware.

**Great job !!! **

Great job !!! is that an open source program ??  can i get it !

my email : [email protected] thank you

how to open it ?

how to open it ?

line follower debug application

Great Job Brother :slight_smile: Is that an open source program ??  can i have it ?

my email : [email protected] 

I badly need of your line

I badly need of your line follower debug application. Can you help me please…

I don’t get it, what’s that

I don’t get it, what’s that Kp , Ki, kd ** in your control parameter ?