LiLi [turtlebot]

this robotic turtle is my second wheel bot.the body design was refer's article.
i diy a arduino board with rs232 bootloader.i am going to make a L298N motor driver board.
the overall debugging will take a while,chinese new year is comming,i am pretty busy.



the below pic is during the building.

range 1KM

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 geared motors
  • Control method: autonomous & 2.5g rc
  • CPU: avr m8
  • Operating system: Linux
  • Power source: 7.2v 2000MAH
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: 1 PING))) sonar, 4 edage senser
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice documented and clean

Nice documented and clean design. I have 3 turtles in the roof garden pond and studied their behavior to make maybe use in robotics.

Would be cool if the the turtle bot could pull in the head in case of danger like a real one :slight_smile:

yeah,i love turtles

i have one chinese shibanjinxian turtles,i have feed him for six years:-))
the idea of head pull in is cool,my original plan is use a mini cam to replace the ping senser.the head have leave room for sg90 srevo to control it up/down.


Is the base made of 2

Is the base made of 2 frisbees? That is so awesome.

Im interested in the wheels youve got there. It looks like the hub is placed right on the outer edge of the wheel. Did you get them online or tore them off a toy?

yes,its basis on 2 frisbees

i get the wheels on line.

Love the design

Very KISS design. I love it!

Does the shop ship

Does the shop ship internationally? Can you post a link to them?

i do not think so

i buy the wheel from (a ebay kind online shop site).there are lots of robot shop was registed.


Hope that helps…

very cool idea for the body

very cool idea for the body :slight_smile: I like the way it looks