LHC starts up tomorrow

The large hadron collider gets it's beam on tomorrow....can't wait to see what happens....or doesn't. :)




Less to do with robotics, but still, something that maybe a few might be interested in.


Are they going to create a

Are they going to create a black hole in the heart of Europe? Sweet.


I was reading their Planning the Day doc, and they state an initial trial at 9 am CEST, and then follow CEST as GMT+2. Looking on a time zone map show CEST to be GMT+1. Typo?

Just wondering if I can expect the world to end at 1 am or 2 am tonight. :slight_smile:

yep, it has been a pleasure,

yep, it has been a pleasure, just in case it all goes horribly awry.

He he he

I think the point is that they really don’t know what’s going to happen. I had understood that they wanted to increase the probability of the creation of a particular particle which hadn’t been around since the big bang and that if they did create it they had no way of detecting it, but they could detect other stuff that would happen if the particle was created.

…or something.

Anyway, it’s the end of the world, apparently. (Yawn.)


I actually don’t think we

I actually don’t think we have to worry about the end of the world…I had read this article a while back…pretty interesting…


i really feel excited about
i really feel excited about it :slight_smile:

<opens eyes and crawls out
<opens eyes and crawls out of bunker> Is it safe yet?

the “big” part of it is
the “big” part of it is gonna happen in october, so yeah, you can get out for now :slight_smile:

…hmmm time to make

…hmmm time to make backup…

What could be the best media ?

Backup media

Please note a Rock is the best data backup method pending 15 hundred megawatt hadron collider start up and initialization . if you notice the taste of blood inside of your oral cavity the collider has reached a super critical singularity overload state and will proceed to emancipate all organic matter on the planet. high levels of electromagnetic pulsed radiation will be emitted. upon detecting this blood inside of your mouth you should ingest your cellular activity halting pellet as being subjected to the effects of a hadron collider malfunction will be un-satisfactory. if your cellular activity halting pellet is not on hand, locate your self in close proximity to a high altitude falling hazard and prepare to fling yourself into the void. Pets should be euthanized utilizing a confectionery baking device as they will be phase shifted into a volatilized organic compound and thus will become a burden to you at the space-time juncture in which there is a supermega super critical singularity overload. Neutronfluxlabs apologizes sincerely in the incident that the hadron collider ends all life on earth and this results in data corruption or loss. it in your best interest to begin backing up all things onto rock immediately as the procedure to backup things onto rock is not “speedy” . Be certain you backup your data onto a high density rock as rocks with a lower density will detonate. High density rocks will remain operational up to 4720 degrees Kelvin. Good Luck

yep, we got a bit over a

yep, we got a bit over a month till the real fun starts, this was just making sure the engine cranked over and started…



and for the halflife fans



You’re probably right. Apparently it’ll be about three years before they get useful results from it. So, if it was the end of the world this morning, we’ll not find out until September 2011. BY that time it won’t be headline news any more.

Just two little things

The only reference I couldn’t get there: what conferionary baking device could be used to euthanase a dog

My only problem is with “degrees Kelvin.” Is there such a scale? Is it not the case that the scale is known as the Kelvin and that the Celcuis scale are degrees of Kelvin?

What do you mean “nobody likes a smart-ass”?

dst or ddt
daylight saving or doomsday time?

Remember the "Bomb"
Back in the day when they were first testing the atom bomb here in the states (Sorry 'bout that by the way) some of the scientists were betting eachother as to if it would cause a chain reaction in the atmosphere and kill us all. After the bet was made they had to figure out which scientist (pro or con) would hold the money. --True Story

Serious Science
With respect to the current experiment, there don’t appear to be any hypotheses. In fact, all the serious scientists are saying “we don’t know what will happen, but it will al lbe perfectly safe”. See, I can’t see the justification for spending that amount of money.

as in micro black hole

as in micro black hole safe?!?! :slight_smile:





…sorry… random outburst, coudlnt help it, wont happen again

I really should have worded
I really should have worded that differently, but I didn’t think anyone would take the shot! :slight_smile: