LHC starts up tomorrow

I heard Steven Hawking bet

I heard Steven Hawking bet $100 that the LHC would not succeed finding the Higgs boson (the LHCs main goal).


I’m goign to bet on his side. He does know a thing or two about this space stuff… thingy.

Aside from it’s size of the
Aside from it’s size of the life expectancy, yeah me either i guess…but they didn’t say they were out to create a super massive black hole…

Apparently there are a

Apparently there are a number of webcam views of the LHC where you can view whats going on.


(No subject)


Awesome explanation Dan!
Awesome explanation Dan! thanks!!!

You lot make me laugh!

I’m an engineer. Let’s talk scientist to scientist. You don’t seriously believe all that theoretical drivel, do you?

(Yes, I’m being ironic again.)

Lovin’ the pic!


Nice one Frits. I see what you did there.

One thing puzzles me, though. I’m not saying I would change my voice if I could, but a persons voice does change over time. With all the recent advances in computer technology, better phoneme sets, phoneme pair recordings, etc, somoene that smart could easily do a firmware update. Why whould I trust someone who chooses to speak like a 1970’s Apple Macintosh?

It’s a lot of theoretical drivel. We can’t possibly understand God’s laboratory. God makes sure that we only figure out stuff he needs us to.

Ignorance is bliss. Long live ignorance!