UPDATE 28/12/2013 VIDEO of LEDko playing... macarena http://youtu.be/632UrOgEVBg

VIDEO of LEDko playing the piano: http://youtu.be/OWzvuD2DSA0

LEDко is a robot I've been slowly building since October 2011. I consider it is my first robot I've built that looks like a robot.


  • exists 
  • reacts to voice commands
  • talks and sings
  • can move autonomously and avoid obstacles 
  • follow a line and navigate in a labyrinth
  • do things (it has two hands) 

LEDко has:

  • A Arduino Pro Mega 5V microcontroller from Sparkun
  • 10x5 LED matrix with a second ATMega328 Arduino for scanning
  • EasyVR module for voice recognition speakjet chip for voice synthesis 
  • double gearbox 50:1 
  • 2 hands with 2 servos for each 
  • 2 servos for head movements 
  • SRF05 sonar 
  • Sharp analog distance sensor 
  • 2 digital Sharp distance sensors with 10cm range (used for cliff detection) (note mounted yet) 
  • 3 IR Line sensors 
  • power form a 7.2V 2600mAh NiMH battery pack 


An early photo of LEDko

LEDko's homemade battery


So far LEDko is programmed to respond to various voice commands in Bulgarian (Hello!, How are you, Sing, Say Something, Left, Forward, Go, Grab ....). I've done a few videos of it speaking but I haven't uploaded the yet.

LEDко's history:

  • __.09.2011 - First drawing of LEDко
  • 05.10.2011 - First component delievery (120 LEDs)
  • __.10.2011 - The LED matrix is ready
  • 24.07.2012 - First steps (revolutions?)
  • 25.07.2012 - LEDко can navigate alone

Listen, Talk, Move, Navigate

  • Actuators / output devices: Servos, Tamya double gearbox, LED matrix, speakjet
  • Control method: Voice
  • CPU: arduino mega pro
  • Power source: homemade 7.2V NiMH pack
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, SRF05 Ultra Sound, EastVR
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/ledko



That robot is wicked cool,

That robot is wicked cool, cute, and really impressive! :smiley:

Awesome looking robot!

Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

The little tune on the piano

The little tune on the piano is freakin awesome. Good job.

You just made my day :slight_smile:

You just made my day :slight_smile: Cute little piano playing robot…long time since we had something that funny here. Well done!!!

very cute )

very cute )

Love it!

Very cute, love the LED face with ultrasonic eyes. Also, are those Sugru hands? Great video, though left me wanting to see more of this guy in action. Please post more =D


Thanks! Yup, the hands have some sugru and also polymorph on the servos. I have some more videos of LEDko talking, moving and navigating, but I have to add subtitles (LEDko speaks Bulgarian) when I have the time so everybody could understand. I look forward to posting them online, as LEDko can also say jokes and sing :slight_smile:


What a fun robot!  

It’s good.

I believe as you do, that a robot should be entertaining. Good, original work. Keep it up

You made something very

You made something very impressive for a robot with minimal hardware. btw, what arduino library that you use for natural language processing ?


Ha! Bulgarian.

I’ll tell my friend Ilia, who is actually Bulgarian and has been know to say, “What about the Bulgarians?, why not them?”. I have a hat here for the Royal Bulgarian Flying Corp.

So, I say LEDko is great, how could it not speak Bulgarian?