Johnny 5 / Judge Dredd ABC Mash-up to annoy people

Using the left overs from my Battle Bots days, it's basically a Super heavy weight bot, with a mash-up of Johnny 5 / Judge Dredd ABC bolted on top. Plan to add a number of swapable arms with different attachments (water cannon, taser, foam darts, etc). As well as two way radio and camera for interacting with people.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Hello @troy.alton,
Wow! Nice project!

Looking forward to seeing the result of that mash-up + the rest of the steps.

How tall do you expect it to be?
P.s. Welcome :wave::robot:

Hey good evening i want to know about the coding of the robot will u tell me that

Right now I’m using a simple R/C radio to control the two roboteq Speed controllers.

I’m working on programming a DFRobot Playstation controller and an arduino with 2 xbee chips…but the internet is a bit lacking for tutorials in this area so it’s been slow going so far.

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How’s your progress going? I had few projects were using as well.