Jayhawk Airplane

Heyy eyeryone :smiley:

i hope you guys dont mind if i talk about my R/C plane project here :laughing:

well, anyway, i recently inherited a 1981 Jayhawk R/C air plane from my grand-father which has been in his attic for a lonnnnnnggggg time, im sure that some of the older guys in here have heard of them before :laughing:

here are the specs:
-Tower Hobbies 4 Channel System 500 remote with 2 auxilleries
-a Fox brand engine, (not sure about the size) and a Fox brand carb.
-The elevators and rudders and such are powered by 4 TSS-55 IC servos
and thats about all i can tell you for right now

heres some pics too:





when i got it, it was a mess, the batteries in the plane and in the controller it self were completely dead, the tail assembly was falling apart, it was dirty (obviously), and finally, i found out as i was cleaning the engine and carburetor, that the carburetor was seized :cry: so, first thing i did was clean the fuselage and everything on it, fixed the wiring as best i could and took out the old receiver battery

in the above pictures, that is after i fixed everything up, so far i have put the tail assembly back together quite nicley with some krazy glue 8), have replaced the prop and cleaned it like i said, also today i went to the hobby shop and got a new battery for the servos and reciever, howeve they didnā€™t have the 4.8 volt flat pack batteries that i was looking for for the controller, so the counter dude gave me some shrink wrap and i went on my way to build my own batteries, it took me about 20 minutes each to solder together and shrink wrap the batteries, i wish i had some progression photos but sadly i only have the final result, please dont make fun, it was my first time making batteries so, be gentle :laughing:



thank the gooses the batteries work, i tested them no less than 40 minutes ago and the elevators and servos and all that work fine :smiley:

later i plan on replacing the tail assembly and getting a new engine for it for convience, id rather not ry to track down a 25 year old carberator that probably doesnā€™t exist any more

hope u like it :wink:

wow chunga, thats an amazing airplane. Im sure its a collectors item since its old. Looks like a real classic thoughā€¦I hope you enjoy it :smiley:

good news, i looked on ebay and found the vintage carb that goes with my engine for 25 dollars, i plan to buy it soon to make it more original

wish me luck

wow. next year iā€™ll be starting a helicopter serveillance vehicle project. Its gonna be cool as well! :smiley:

as i would imagine, iā€™ve always wanted a helicopter, but they were to expensive, but im not complaining about the plane :laughing:

well, i found this really neat one for only $155.00!! incredible, large, wireless helicopter (black) that can do amazing flying at high altitudes.

But I still think your plane is sweet. Its one that dosneā€™t seem to be made anymore.

do ya think you could send me the link to the helicpter?

and thank for the comment on the airplane, also no, they dont make the plane anymore, its 25 years old :open_mouth:

they dont make the engine in it anymore either, thats why i was thinking of buying a new one, but since i found a new carb online, im in luck

okā€¦let me find the link to the helicopterā€¦

be back in a sec

ok here it is:

hobbytron.com/Dark-Night-RC- ā€¦ opter.html

thats pretty cool, i love how it says ā€œthe flexable skids will cushion even the roughest landingā€, haha, o, i bet it wouldnā€™t cushion every landing

smiles crookadly and plows helicopter into a tree

I dont wanna know what your gonna do with that thingā€¦its probably already wraped around a mighty oak along with my rover robot. :smiley:

that looks pretty good on the batteries for a first time out. way better than I did on my first try mine actually came disconnected in mid race (rc car)

hahaha. that one made me laugh, but I bet you didnt almost run over a lady with a rover robot like I did at the science fair in April. :blush:

Letā€™s just say she half-fell. :smiley:

Take some advice from someone who has been in the helis before. You dont want to buy that helicopter and no way are you going to be able to turn it into some kind of survalance machine. Helis like that usually cant get themselves off the ground let alone a camera. If your looking for something cheap to learn to fly on then get a Blade CP. If you want to make something somewhat atonomous with desent picture quality then you need to think a lot bigger.

That isnt the particular helis I am going to buy. It is however the same style and the only has the only URL I can find at the moment. :wink:

hey topher, got any pictures of these said helis?


Well heres a pic of my latest heli. Its a hobby lobby revo CP. I hope to maiden it this weekend.



pretty slick topher, good luck with that maidan

Are you making the body or is the fusselanche removed?? :wink:

its probably the fact that the fusalage is removed, considering 2 facts:

  1. making a helicopter fuseulage would be hard and time consuming if possible
  2. he would have the time to make a fuselage by this weekend

Thats true, Just to make a body correctly ballanced would be difficult.