
Jasper is my version of the start here robot. He has a Picaxe 28x1 v A.5 brain. (Finally got my updated chip today!)

He just avoids objects right now.

Right now he just has 1 servo, 2 geared G3 motors with tracks, and the Picaxe 28x1 vA.5 firmware.

I have added the code which I modified from the start here robot and the how to on the SRF005 node.

He first started to twitch his servo because of the pulsout command for the SRF005 sensor. I added a pause to his pulses and now the twitching is minimal. This is because even though it is on separate pins there is still a pin on the Picaxe 28x1 assembly that is giving the servo a pulse also causing it to move. Adding a pause of 10 milliseconds before and after the pulse helps this as you will see in the video. :slight_smile:

If you make a start here robot with the SRF005 or any other pulsout sensors (Sonic sensors) feel free to use the code attached to this bot. :slight_smile:

I am in the background on this one lol… :stuck_out_tongue:

Cold beer here! W00T!


I do thank everyone who has helped me with questions and Fritl for starting all of this mess. lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Update: 1/28/2009 Video added and updated code. Servo added and object scanning mode added. Pictures below.

Update: Feb 27 2009

He is complete since I am going to change to the serializer .NET :smiley:


Avoid objects, navigate around via ultrasound, can lock on in scan mode

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 geared motors, 1 Servo
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Operating system: Picaxe basic
  • Power source: 4.5V (3AA)
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF005

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/jasper

Cool Jasper

Great work, the ultrasonics seem to work well for you, whats the next step for the robot?

I need to build a play pen like yours for my robot.

I just took some cut 2 by 4’s and placed them together to test him. I should have the bitybot line sensor connected and some video by the weekend. (I hope to lol).

cool robot! The playpen thing you built is pretty cool too!

Well put together, great start!
Looks like Jasper is doing great. One thing though, the sensor is an SRF05 not SRFO05. Just to help future folks to look up your robot as a guide to use that sensor.

ya I know…
Its supposed to be an SRF05 according to the sensor but on the manufacture site you can only find it by searching for SRF005 from the Rev Ed site. lol :stuck_out_tongue: I have since added the SRF05 to Picaxe node also to my links up top.

Nice work lolgeek, Jasper works really well :slight_smile: The code looks good too - short and sweet. Thanks for posting!

very nice! I speccially like

very nice! I speccially like the scanning part, it adds personality to the bot…

I must think in something similar to one of my bots :slight_smile:

5* for giving me the inspiration :wink:

where do you get those tracks?
Where do you get those track kits, i see them all over the site, but i’ve never seen them elsewhere. nice bot by the way.

I think they are a Tamiya part - do a Google search for them to find a local stockist.

Solarbotics actually

They are described here at /node/145

A bit pricey though.

great post, i’ll try the

great post, i’ll try the code, (struggling with this!)

i’ve built a similar bot, with the picaxe 28x1, srf005 ultrasonic. ace fun.



Those treads are from solarbotics!

Heres a page with all the gear.


These treads are found on other sites but were made by solarbotics.