Simple Robotic arm still working on claw/gripper/hand.
Any suggestions on a control method would be aprrectiated. I was thinking remote control however would cost me about $50. Or...using and old PS2 controller however i dont know how to do that. ):
Check out video updates will be coming soon. Thanks
Gripper added. Made out of legos. More info to come. Servos seem a little weak. (HS-311)
Would ading a second servo on the opposite side of the base work? Theoretically wouldnt it double the torque? Would it work?
I dont have time right now be back with more soon.
Best cheap remote would be to hack a wii nunchuck. Easy to do for arduino, fun and impressive. Search google or LMR there is lots of code and examples/
It is called HDPE or High Density Polyethylene. It is a type of plastic. Works pretty well although i am debating maybe using wood for the base because it would be heavier and sturdier as well as maybe a light wood for the arms. This stuff is kinda light but ill see how it goes.
Each joystick has two potentiometers (blue pieces at two sides). Each potentiometer has 3 contacts.
Cut the printboard connections to joysticks (the copper lines on other side of board) by scratching them using sharp tool. Cut them close to the solder points.
For connection to picaxe use servo extending cables. Cut the end with pins away. Solder signal wire of it (yellow or white) to center pin of potentiometer. Plus (red) and minus (black or brown) wires of cable solder to other two pins of potentiometer. Doesnt matter which where.
Do this for all four potentiometers. Cut away existing USB cable of gamepad. New four cables can be connected to ADC pins of Picaxe and can be read by readadc command.
I got it working…thanks so much. Right now i can only use one potentiometer. When i do the readadc it seems to work for each individual pot but when i try both at the same time it doesnt work. I will see whats up. Thanks