Humanoid robot

I'm building an humanoid robot based in Kraftwerk band ones. The robot has two servos, five DC motors and five potentiometers for measure the position of them. It´s Arduino Uno controlled and has 3 double H-bridge boards. Each arms has 2 degree in shoulder and 1 in elbow, the head can rotate in 1 axe (it isn´t installed yet). The hands will not have movement, they will be only decorative, the arms were made of aluminum and wood. The robot will do movement secuences activated by buttons or sound and light sensors.

reacts to sound or light changes performing arms and head movements

  • Control method: Arduino UNO
  • Programming language: C
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Quite and ambitious project

Quite and ambitious project there. I am glad to see someone taking on larger projects. Do you have any other pictures that you can share with us or a video. I am interested.

Thank you, I have some

Thank you, I have some videos, I will upload some of them.

Nice project!

The first video shows the arms have smooth motion - nice control. Curious what the head will look like.

I agree long arms tend to

I agree long arms tend to wobble quite a lot but that motion looks smooth and precise !

According my experience, the

According my experience, if a servo can keep the position without the power source the final position will be stable without any shake, in a robot arm the load in the arm forces it down, if the servo isn´t capable to keep the position it will has to move the arm up constantly causing it to shake.

This robot is for somebody that ordered it, originally it was going to has a manikin head but he is planning to use a papercraft poligons head.

The project is going on, the

The project is going on, the robot has the angle sensors installed in the arms and the connection wires in a flexible tube with a connector in its extreme, I was testing  a control box that lets select some manual activated and sensor activated motion secuences (these sensors are not installed yet),


Cool project! Would be fun to see it move to Kraftwerk’s music. Maybe following the melody or beat. I think there is software out there to analyze these musical properties.
Maybe some open source player, that had visualizations as in WinAMP.

I fix the hands and head that the future owner made and give to me, they are papercraft pieces, son I Will add led eyes. The robot isn´t programmed to dance with music but maybe in the future it does.