How to make your first robot


Sorry everyone who have struggled with the

readadc 1, … in one of the examples. It should be, and is now corrected to

readadc 0, …

If you had problems reading the analoge signals, or getting the distance, this was the reason.

Terribly sorry.

Motor Driver

Ok hoping you can answer this one question for me.Is a motor driver and a motor driver shield the same thing, y do they use the word shield? Just curious for future endeavors.

Sorry, I would not know.

Sorry, I would not know. Anyone else out there?

Function or Product

"Motor Driver" refers to a function. Electronics to help your micro controller control your motor(s).
“Motor Shield” is a specific product. It contains a motor driver. The word “shield” is used in the Arduino world. This tutorial lives in a different world: Picaxe.

The driver here is a chip with 8 pins called L293D. It sits directly on the Picaxe project board.
Compare the Arduino where a motor driver is (often) a separate board (which is called a shield). That board could also use this chip. Or any other circuit or IC that contains an H-bridge.

My man :wink:

My man :wink:

my sensor doesn’t work

hello, guys!

I have already inserted the code to my robot, why the sensor still cannot be function?

The wheels can run, the head can move, only the sensor~~

What do you mean

What do you mean by “cannot function”? What are you trying to accomplish, what do you expect, what are you seeing, what did you try to solve this so far, did it help?

These are all questions you need to answer or we cannot help you without guessing.


the sensor cannot avoid objection even that the programming code don’t have any error

so what should I do now?

Darn that gp2d12

What does your debug say gnipna? if you did the readadc 0 ,b0 it’ll tell give you numbers try it right up to b10 if you have too

And Fritsl thanks for the update on the code T.E.D.D aka tedious electrical dip sh** device is up and running like a good 'un

 still getting low readings from the sharp running about 16 - 17 max on the debug could be my soldering slash and or wiring  but with changing the code to suit he seems to know vaguely what he’s doing apart from close up to objects. wonder if i add some more subroutines in for lower readings if that would affect it much? seems when my fingers or an object are over the sharp it reads a zero and he was having the occasional problem with getting to close to a chair or a cup and deciding to move it with his head, good move for a larger robot not so good with a diddy one anyone have any thoughts on that ?


You should be better at

You should be better at explaining.

You write that the sensor do not avoid objection… that does not make sense.

Let us know what works as expected, and then what does not work as expected. in details. Pictures are a good idea.

The sharp do not work on

The sharp do not work on distances below 10 centimeters.

The Spaztastic Servo

No matter what program I upload, all that happens is the servo twitches. The wheels won’t move, and the servo won’t turn properly. If I upload a program with just the motors in it nothing happens. I checked that I did everything like the tutorial.

I have no idea what to check now and I’m really frustrated. Any ideas what could be wrong?

unhook everything.hook up

unhook everything.

hook up one motor, and make that work. Take it from there.

Because the row of resistors
Because the row of resistors does not fill up one of the holes is the an input or output that I shouldn’t use?

No. The row omitted 2 pins

No. The row omitted 2 pins are normally just used to feed the darlington, see

servo and chip

so could I just buy a 330 ohm resitors and connect it directly to the servo outputs and sensor outputs?


Resitor Array

Hello there,

I´m not into buying the bundle, and i cant find the resistor array, so, can I exchange that for a row of normal reistors intead of a chip?

I would really apreciate an answer.


thanks for info on speaker,

thanks for info on speaker, it is sweet! does the stop command help prevent burnout?


Thanks a lot man.

   I had a great time building this robot and I used some of your programs and now I am making my own.  I am very happy I found this.

Can I make this robot beep without giving up the servo?

Firstly, thanks so much for this tutorial fritsl!!!  Couple of us have had a blast throwing this together and watching him come to life.  I’m just wondering if there’s anyway to make this robot beep as is, without giving up the servo?