How to make your first robot

servo trouble

when I program my servo as instructed i get no response. just a sort of umph from it. I try different positions but none work? I did turn it into a continual rotation servo, did I maybe wreck it? it is the standard servo-HItec. 311  i think

everything is working!- kind of

my motors and sensor are now working… its just that in the nodanger bit my motors just do about 1 turn then stop and the sensor turns and measures again. how can i fix this


You could try the SRF05 it is more durable, can see things that are farther away, and does have as many bugs as the SHARP, downsides are it cost twices as much, have to hook it up differently, and you have to program it differently, other than those minor issues its perfect!

I do not know if you wrecked

I do not know if you wrecked your servo, that is very hard for me to say. However, if you made it into a continual rotational servo, you cannot use it for this project, of course. The poor wrobot would get a twisted neck.



Sounds like the problem is

Sounds like the problem is in the code.

The only way I can help you is if you either follow my instructions, or tell me everything you are doing / have done.

Imagine if I tell you that my arm is not lifting from the table… You cannot know if it is glued on, if I have lost the arm, or what is going on. However a picture of my arm with nails into it would help you to help me :wink:

So… help me to help you and I will.

debug enquiry

What is the debug for & the variable b1 after keying the code?

main: readadc 1, b1 ’ takes the voltage returned to analogue pin 1, and puts it into variable b1

debug ’ this draws out all variables to the editor.
goto main


debug is for looking into your robot’s brain

Leave your picaxe hooked up to your computer and leave the editor open. The debug command will cause a window to open on your screen. Here you can see what your robot is thinking. Every bit, byte or word is visible.

Even b1.

Just get your the wire or

Just get your the wire or header you want to insert in the hole ready, and then heat the solder until it allows you to gently push the wire or header pin into the hole.

Ok, thank you. Where can I

Ok, thank you. Where can I purchase the new parts? The instructions say to use the little pins, but in the old tutorial, it said to use wires (which is all I have atm). I already have all of the old parts, so I don’t want to spend $100.00 on the whole packet again. I just want to buy a few of the new parts individually.

Well, there is a link to

Well, there is a link to where everything can be bought in a bundle. I think you can also find individual parts there :slight_smile:

And then there is Google and your local shop and all…


hey fritsl I just purchased this little bot yesterday cant wait for it to arive it should be here wednesday. i am going to make a shell put an ultra sonic irs and probly a line follower on it.

Cool :smiley:

Cool :smiley:

** Why not use the soldering**

 Why not use the soldering iron instead of the lighter for heat shrink tube? It’s much more convenient and easier.


** Why not use the soldering**

 Why not use the soldering iron instead of the lighter for heat shrink tube? It’s much more convenient and easier.


Sure, you can use any heat

Sure, you can use any heat source.

To my experience using the soldering iron can cause some solder to stick on the plastic. And little pieces of solder is not nice to have around on a circuit board.

You can also get special little things to heat it up, whatever works for you :slight_smile:

Motor Driver

Hi I want to use this basic setup to control robot vacuum cleaner but will have to use much more powerful motors. I understand that I will need a different motor driver and need help in choosing one as well as choosing the motors? Thanks

Also I would like to know

Also I would like to know how many sensors the MCU can take (general limitations) and if there are any other similarly easy-to-program makes of MCU and Project Board. Sorry so many questions but Ive never built anything.

As you write; "you have

As you write; “you have never build anything”. And that is the problem, when wanting to take on other projects.

it is the rule number one; Start small. Make an LED blink first.

If you have never done that, you will not be able to control a motor controller etc. You will not be able to take the right choises, nor ask the right questions.

So; Make a simple robot first, then change one component to something more advanced, or add something. That is the only way to do your project. Trust me :slight_smile:

**Am i dense…please dont answer that part **

heya guys i’ve just invested in this awesome project as i thought i’d try the move into somehing other than unsmart B.E.A.M. i dunno if its me and my basic grasp of pic basic but i cant seem to figure out how to code the gp2d12 or figure out if it’s working correctly.

First of three questions to anyone that can help really

i’m coding the readadc 0 , b0 debug ect… and when the debug comes up i’m getting readings on the decimal ranging from about 11 to 25 to 0 depending on how far an object is placed. question was, is that supposed to happen ?

 secondly when i try fritsl’s code readadc 1 , b1 and debug i get a reading of 255 and it never changes. is that supposed to happen ?

and lastly but not leastly how the heck do i program this thing to do what it does in the vid…? i know each code depends on how its wired but i try and modify fritsl’s code and the lil fella just goes round in circles…everything seems to work individully as far as i can see just maybe my very B.A.S.I.C pic skills :slight_smile:

any help to a newbie lmr fan i would be gladly greatful 
