How to make your first robot

Follow the instructions on

Follow the instructions on this page, and you are home :slight_smile:


so do I need to solder another pin or is readadc 1 for pin one not zero. sorry im being a pain. 


ya same thing happened to

ya same thing happened to me. good thing there cheap

just program the right pin number

If your sensor is on ADC pin #0 then use the number 0 in your readadc command.
If your sensor is on ADC pin #1 then use the number 1 in your readadc command.

Read the manual or node 75 to see which pin is which.

oh ok thanks I was wanderin,

oh ok thanks I was wanderin, thanks how do I know if my sensor is fried? it doesn’t change values when I debug pin one. Is that normal?

If you hook it up correctly,

If you hook it up correctly, and it does not work, it is because it is broke.

oh, crap, oh well, is there

oh, crap, oh well, is there one like it but more durable?

Hi Servello,Thanks a lot for

Hi Servello,

Thanks a lot for the nice words :slight_smile:

Not to be rude, but would you be able to make such a PDF? If would be great, and we could post it in here.

If you do so, you should keep it on the “materials needed”, and everything below. In other words, all about the LMR bundle & prices etc could change, and it would be a shame to have that in the PDF - so make it “neutral” regarding these things.


wil this work?

I was wondering if this sensor will work on this project. 

Parallax PING))) Ultrasonic Sensor it is on '

SRF05 code

since i burned out my ir sensor, i got a srf05. do you have to change the code in any way to get it working or just add the srf05 code in.

Yes, but you will have to do

Yes, but you will have to do what it takes to hook that up. And that is another story :slight_smile:

It is a complete different

It is a complete different sensor, so that part of the code needs to be adapted. Read the manuals, and you will be fine :slight_smile:

is it the same to program?

is it the same to program?

add or change

ive read the article but i still dont get it
 do i have to add the bit of code in or add it in then change the rest. is this node the manual you are talking about??? also if you use the srf05 do you have to keep the shortening blocks on?

more problems

instead of the motors in the description i bought the tamiya double geared motor pack. when i connect them up they just make a sound, dont turn the wheels
 what could be wrong?

I have no idea. You will

I have no idea. You will have to post pictures of what you are doing, if I am to help on that.

The shortening blocks are

The shortening blocks are only if you are using the analoge input, that is what the sharp is using.

if you are using the SRF05, you are hooking up something completely different.

The robot in this tutorial is made from several things. One is motor, makes it drive, another is distance sensor. You have chosen to replace the distance sensor with another.

The new distance sensor has a complete different way of working;

  • it is hooked up different
  • it needs different programming to run
  • it returns another value

I send you the link to a page in which you can read how to hook it up, and how to program it.

However, this is not LEGO, you will have to adapt everything to your own setup.If you move a sensor from pin 1 to pin 3, you have to program it, so it is taking input from pin 3, etc.

You have thrown yourself into a little deep whater, and that is good, you will learn how to swim :slight_smile: Here is how, and this is in general, and for everything, this is the most important of all:

Make one thing work at a time

So, first hook up the SRF05 up, and make your own program, so you can see that it is working. Not so the whole robot is driving, that is much later, just make the sensor work, and see what values it returns, when objects are close and far.

Then come back to me, or take it from there yourself :slight_smile:

No. You will have to find

No. You will have to find out how to work with that, as a task of it’ts own. As far as I remember (I may be wrong) Chris The Carpenter played some with Ping and Picaxe once.

It is always a new challenge if you hook up a new sensor to a microcontroller, you will have to find out how every time. After some time you have learned a lot of basics, and it get’s easier. but it is always something that one have to look at, and there is no general answer.

