How to make your first robot

hardware means picaxe

I think you tried everything you could on your computers. It’s now time to focus on the picaxe. When the error sas “hardware not found” it is talking about the picaxe, not the serial port.

Did you read the download checklist procedures from picaxe manual 1?

manual problem

I only got 1 manual with my project board (i just got the project board, 1 manual, microcontroller, axe027 cable ordered from solarbotics) and it doesn’t have a download checklist procedures part in it

oh boy!

Check the help in your axepad/program editor. It has links to manuals. Never mind which operating system.

Found problem but…

Ok, so i think i’ve narrowed the problem down to being the 330 Ohm Resistors as i live in Alaska, US shipping to get a yellow chip costs like $100 so i just bought 8 330 Ohm Resistors and (correct me if im wrong) if they were touching or one of them didn’t work to much power would be sent to the microcontroller and (i think) that would prevent it from giving my computer any data, i found this out by burning my finger when i touched my microcontroller, so now my question is where do i get one of those 8 330 Ohm Resistor chips where shipping wouldn’t cost me $100 because i live in the US?

Stop right here

Hey Ryan, This must end here. Take it to the forum. This page is about building your first robot. Not about how to follow instructions or read a manual. And make sure to unplug the power from your chips before you fry them.

hi i am new to this is it

hi i am new to this is it possible to use the sharp gp2y0d810z0f digtital distance sensor 10 cm instead of the Sharp Analogue InfraRed Range Finding System (AERS)

regards bab :slight_smile:

member of t.r.u.e


That is only made to detect

That is only made to detect things 10 centimeters in fromt of it. So your robot will be very short sighted :slight_smile:

So glad for solarbotics kit

I just read that now solarbotics have the Start Here kit and I’m realy glad of that. Congrats Fritsl! Now let’s spread the news and get more people involve in this. So cool!

sensor program

what is a good easy program for the sensor on this robot? please leave out servo commands since I have no servo mounted yet. the program I have is axepad for a mac

weird sensor readings

when i do the main:

readadc 0, b0


goto main

it goes to the debug screen but all b1 variable is already changing and keeps on changing it has gone over a thousand already

what is wrong???


i tried it again and it stopped changing… but now when i put my hand in front of it the value doesnt change

any thoughts… how long should it take to change

burnt out sensor

because i soldered female headers to the sensor cable there was no cover over the wires… i think they touched while the batteries were in and now i cant get a real reading from the sensor. It just keeps the same when i put my hand over it… It stays around 206 and goes up or down every so often

so how do you tell if your sensor has been burnt out???

main:readadc 0, b0debuggoto

readadc 0, b0
goto main

- If you have hooked it up like the tutorial. That will make the screen show you the values. The language is the same on Mac, PC, Linux…

As soon as you re-program

As soon as you re-program the chip and start it up, all will be “fresh”.

This program:


readadc 0, b0


goto main

- will make the variable b0 be what is hooked up on analoge input 0. If it does not, something is hooked up the wrong way, and you need to show us pictures, or find out yourself :slight_smile:

burnt out

ive tried like 5 times but still nothing…
what if the sensor is burnt out???
i think i may have accidently done it yesterday
how do i know if it is burnt out

Well, it is rather easy to

Well, it is rather easy to fry the Sharp’s unfortunatly.

You can use it to your benefit, and upgrade to an SRF05 instead.

- or you will have to get a new sharp, sorry.

my sensor program

will this program work with the sensor, (i have no servo and a begginer :slight_smile:



low 4

high 5

high 6

low 7

wait 1

low 4

low 5

low 6

low 7

  readadc 1,b1

  if b1 > 20 then : goto main : else : goto flsh

  end if


wait 1

low 4

low 5

low 6

low 7

goto main


I am not sure about the :'s

I am not sure about the :'s I never use them.

If you hooked your robot up as the instructions, you want it to be

  readadc 1,b1

Because the sharp is connected to analog pin 0

Apart from this, is looks like a fine little program :slight_smile:

thanks, it makes me feel less stupid! Lol!

okay thanks I think I went to the pin 1,oops sorry. will it work? thanks I just followed the instruction manual that came with cd for :'s probably read it wrong :) 

ah yeah I followed your

ah yeah I followed your first manual, that is why my pin i think is in #1 not 0. what do I need to change?