How to make your first robot

Programming cable

do you have to use the USB programming cable

can i use the serial one instead because for some reason its like $30 more expensive

No You Don’t have to

No, You don’t have to use the USB programming cable, you can use the serial. All the USB programming cable does is it provides better capabilite in connecting it to the computer.


Snap off pins

Anyone know where I could get some snap off pins for picaxe 28x1 in the USA? Thanks



They are often called (male) headers. Any online electronics shop has them.


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How do you hook up a cable to the Sharp IR Sensor???

I’m trying to hook up a cable to the sharp IR sensor, but i don’t know which one to use, i have an extra servo cable that i am using to hook up to my PICAXE microcontroller, but what can i use to hook it up to the IR Sensor??? Will the Female-Female header jumper cables work (i’m currently ordering them)?


Yeah, a servo cable would work great. What I would do is solder the wires to the back of the sensor (there are extra solder holes, I believe).

If you don’t want to solder, try looking for a JST connector… You’ll need to hook it up to that servo cable though, so I guess you’ll end up soldering anyways. :wink:

When will the package be availible?

Hello, I’m wondering when the complete package of materials needed will be up for sale.  When that time comes, were will I be able to purchase it.

Thank you.

June 2010

The package will be somehwere up in June 2010 and you will be able to buy it here.

Yellow resistor array


Anyone knows where I can get the resistor array? 

If not, can I use real resisters in place of it?


Yes, you can in fact just

Yes, you can in fact just use resistors. See the old tutorial for how to. I just did not include that part in this tutorial, because we now have the LMR Bundle.

Anyway, the Picaxe store sells it :slight_smile:


Sorry for replying, it was the only way to write I could find…

Could you please give me the exact date as to when the package with all the parts for the begginer robot comes out, or please make the release date a little earlier?

          If not, could you please direct me to the websites that have all the parts in stock? If no one website has all the parts, could you please give me a compound of websites that, in total, could give me all the parts? I really need to make the robot now. (I am sorry if I sound a bit rude, I’m just a bit grouchy today, and yes, the reason why I’m grouchy is directelly connected to why I have to make the robot)…

                                      --Thanks in advance


Hi Phillip

Tough luck with your deadline like that. Homework much? :-/

We are not certain when Solarbotics will have the bundle ready for ordering and shipping. We are hoping they have it in the webshop coming week. However, I doubt if they can deliver all the pre-orders straight away. Your order may be last in line.

The whole reason for making a bundle is to save people like yourself all the hassle of collecting parts from around the web. When I started out, I ordered from Solarbotics and Sparkfun for the specific stuff and from Conrad for the generic electronics. Of course, back then, LMR did not yet have a working search engine nor an automatically filled components database!

Use them to your advantage. Jump the order queue :wink:

Thank you very much

Thanks a lot for helping me out… thanks for even reading my post in the first place! Anyways, yes, you’re right, it was homework due in two weeks…good sense of de-encryption! Well, I’ll see if my teacher can give an extention on the deadline for me. By the way, you saud something about pre-orders, how do I place one?

                                           Thanks again,


Price confusion!!!

So, as you may have learned from my earlier posts, I need to make a robot for homework, and I really would like to make this robot, because I’m sure it would get me a great grade. So, anyways, the project is due in two weeks, and I don’t know if the LMR bundle will be out by then, so I went online and looked at all the parts from diffrent online shops, and I added the prices together, and it wasn’t about $85, as the name of this project suggests, but about $160! Double the price suggested!

              Did I do something wrong? Was there something I didn’t read? Please help me, I really wouldn’t like to pay $160 for all these robot parts.

                                              Thanks in advance,



I have all the parts, everything put together, MacAxe pad installed, drivers installed, when i plug the axe 027 cable in my computer recognizes that is is plugged in, but when i go to MacAxe Pad and go to check the firmware it says “Firmware Check Error can’t open port /dev/tty,usbserial-0000101D (err=2:No such file or directory)” am i doing something wrong? on the picaxe website it says to type cd /dev 1s-1 in the terminal (on my mac) to check to see if it’s installed correctly which just leads terminal to saying command not found, i am using Mac OSX 10.5 Snow Leopard (Imac). 

command prompt

It says "ls -l"
ell ess minus ell

However, I doubt if you would be helped with that directory listing. Did you check the “options” in your axepad? Under the tab “Port” you can change the name of the port to use. It also has a “USB Setup” button.

I am not a Mac user. This is all the help I can give you.

You can enter something like

You can enter something like “USB setup”, sorry no Axepad installed on this mac, but something like that. Inside the editor, and under Options or something.

Click that, and you get a correct number to insert in the field below.

it is a strange wonder why they do not let the program insert this it self, since it can find it, apparently :slight_smile: Just like why does the eidtor not switch to the correct Picaxe model, since it can tell you that you have like 28x1 in the setup, but have plugged in a 28x2 - well, if you know that, you silly program, then make the changes for me!!


Hope it helps, else come back, I will make a few screendumps form the other mac.

The old project that you

The old project that you refer to, was 85. But times and prices change. The bundle will be perhaps USD 50 cheaper than the 160 you mention, maybe more, we do what we can. But for any one reading this at a later time, these things may have changed again.

Prices go up and down, the bundle will be the cheapest way to get it all. And simplest :slight_smile: That is the goal, anyway :slight_smile:

Same Error

I forgot to change change that, but for some reason i’m getting the exact same error, I tried this on my windows computer (running windows 7) got all the drivers installed, checked and changed the com and everything yet on both computers i get the same error “hardware not found on COM3”, I have my windows computer dual booted with ubuntu linux, do you think trying on there would make any difference? Thanks for all the help!