How to make your first robot

Flip the motor over. Right
Flip the motor over. Right angle = 90 degrees not right as in left or right.

oh i see… thanks sir…
oh i see… thanks sir…

Ok, just thought there would
Ok, just thought there would be some problems with te codeing. Then i just have to do the "left" gear motor, reversal to the right?

You should just try it. Only
You should just try it. Only if you cannot try it, then ask :slight_smile:

by the way …
by the way …how to control the robot???

You turn it on and it
You turn it on and it controls itself.

Thank you so much guyding me into the world of robots! now my RP-01 is gliding on my floor! :smiley:

Cool :smiley:
Cool :smiley:

**you really have **
done a great job with this robot , you cant search homemade robots with out finding this ( google images , its in there somewere) same with most your other bots

hi frits thanks for this guide…
i finally finished the robotic vacuum project that i made…
ill post it here someday…

**Header pins **

I’m a begginer at this so I don’t know every little detail about this. I had some other header pins. They’re the exact same as in the tutorial but instead of being gold like the others, they’re silver. If this is a problem please tell me, and if it’s not then tell me anyway. Thanks!

They’ve just been made from

They’ve just been made from a different material, so there’s no problem there. Unless they’re made of something really weak, or prone to rust (unlikely in both cases), then there won’t be any noticeable difference.


is it alright to use H-Bridge Motor Driver instead of the L293D Driver


Motor Noise

I was reading somewhere that you should keep motors and circuits apart because of something called “motor noise” however: in your robot the Picaxe board is sitting on top of the motors and that clearly works. What is motor noise (because I clealy dont understand it properly)?


I am going to try and follow the tutorial once ive saved up for the parts. Thank you, the tutorial is fantastic.  

electrical noise

Electrical noise is changes in voltage (up and down) caused by components at work. In this example the motors. This disturbs the nice 5 V supply power and some other components can be veryy sensitive to that (in this example a micro controller).

Different components cause different kinds of noise. Motors even cause different noises in one part: brushes brushing over rotors, but also magnets and coils generating all kinds of internal voltages that come out through the power leads.

If you’re eager to learn more, use our search page.

How serious is the problem?

Thank you

How much of a problem is it?

If it is something major then if I solder on some capacitors all will be well?

In hobby-level circuits it’s

In hobby-level circuits it’s often a problem you can simply ignore. It’s usually fairly easy to install some extra caps if noise becomes troublesome, as you have mentioned.

Hello frits,I’ve made my

Hello frits,

I’ve made my first robot and to me it’s working fine.Thanks for your great help and project. One thing I would like to know is: in the exemple on page 24 on how to test your servo,since mine is connected to pin 0, it won’t work if I enter like it says:

All the way to one side is:
servo 0, 75 wait 2
the other side is:
servo 1, 225 wait 2
- and centre:
servo 1, 150 wait 2

Unless I replace the " 1 " by " 0 " than it works.  Is this normal or a mistake? Sorry for asking.

Second question is: I also tried different platform sizes and it seems to work better with a longer one since the motors are away from the Picaxe,the caps on each motors would probably help I imagine. I use 2 power supply. Thanks for you help,LMR is so great!

Servo pin

You are almost there Korel. You chose a different servo pin. Every servo related command must be sent to the correct pin.

In this command:
servo 0,75
the zero is the pin.

That would be easier to read/write/understand if you replaced that number with a symbol, like this:
symbol servo_pin = 0
servo servo_pin, 75
servo servo_pin, 225
’ etcetera…

You can use almost any name for a symbol like that. The editor will tell when the name is confusing the computers.

Your second question is not really a question.

And I agree: LMR is great.

Thanks a lot for your kind

Thanks a lot for your kind and fast reply rik, I appreciate it. I’m trying to understand the way Basic works and its structure to be able to create my own codes. I will add a few accessories to that robot such as LEDs,servos,speakers and see if I can make them work by adding the right line codes inside. Good day rik.