How to make your first robot

** Im guessing this is the**


 Im guessing this is the right configuration.
But now there is no movemoent at all from the Servo. Even when i remove and re-connect the battery.


praise the Lord.Its

praise the Lord.
Its fixed.
Turns out the grounding pin wasn’t well soldered.

Thanx a lot for all the help.



here are some pics…sorry

here are some pics…

sorry for the tape :stuck_out_tongue: I found it imposible to keep it stable without the tapes as i could not do the soldering so well…

\o/ lol congrats

\o/ lol congrats

A bit hard to tell, but in

A bit hard to tell, but in your middle picture, are you connected to the top analog pins (analog 0)? 

The bottom jumper on that set of pins is not needed. Those pins are both ground. Above ground is analog 3, then analog 2 above that and so on.

To me it looks like you are connected to analog 1, which would explain you problem.

Check the Picaxe 28 Project Board data sheet for more info on the pins.

Frits also has an excellent post explaining this board that supplements the data sheet quite well.

How do you tell the motors to turn 90 degress?

Hello, I am quite a novice into robotics (and also into English, so sorry :)) and I’m going to built my own robot for just a few €…  And at this point I got to programming the motors and I understand, how you let the 1st motor run forward and 2nd backward, but, how do you make it turn 90 degress or something like that…

Could you describe me how this code actually works, I mean “pause turn : gosub totalhalt”, when does it pause? Is there some condition or cycle which decides when does it pause? Because from what I know from other programming languages, this should put the voltage into motors and immediately pause it, so nothing would turn… Am I wrong? Btw., which language is this? Assembler, Basic? Thank you :slight_smile:

high 6 : low 5 : low 7 : high 4 ’ this should be your combination that turns the robot one way
pause turn : gosub totalhalt

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Han :slight_smile:

In the code ‘turn’ is a

In the code ‘turn’ is a variable for the time in milliseconds that the robot will execute that turn. See Picaxe Manual 2 for a reference on the programming commands. 

With simple “open loop” motor control, you have no feedback to tell you how far your wheels have turned. You can experiment with different durations of driving forward to see how much is about a 1/4 turn for your robot. This will be very inexact, and doesn’t factor in motor startup and stop delays due to physics.

You can add wheel encoders of some kind, and implement “closed loop” control. In this method, you will have feedback on how far your wheel has turned. 

This is way too much detail for this post. Do some research on your own, and if you have questions, please post them as a separate forum topic.

thanksI am soon gonna get it


I am soon gonna get it fixed.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you, you explained me what I wanted to know :slight_smile: I just forgot that there is constant/variable turn at the beggining of the program :slight_smile: So I understand now… It is not so important for me :slight_smile: So I will just try it few times to make it close to 90°.

I was just wondering…Do

I was just wondering…Do you know the reason why those chips need to be in those specific places??

great- so now i have no

great- so now i have no skill 


I have a little problem. So I added to my SH robot 2 leds of 5 mm. They need 3.2-3.8 Volt to work and I’m using the 4-battery holder with 4 rechargeable batteries wich is about 4,8 volt. With this configuration the leds are week. I want to use 4 non-rechargeable batteries wich will give me 6 volt. My question is: I’m gonna fry something or not?

One thing to consider is

One thing to consider is your LED configuration. If you plan to run both LEDs off of one pin don’t connect them directly to the PICAXE. It can’t supply/sink that amount of current on one pin. This is assuming you’re using the typical LED that uses around 20mA. You should use a transistor or FET to turn them on/off. If you’re using individual pins for each LED things should be ok.

I could spit out some math and such for you but it’s been done much better before…

How to make LEDs glow not blow!

Now that I look at that page again it talks about what I just said lol There are also some online LED calculators that make things easy after you know what the numbers are that they need. 

Ok, so I got my robot to

Ok, so I got my robot to work. So I took the batteries out and put the robot on my desk and had it like that for a week. Today, I go in and put all the batteries and after like 2 minutes, smoke started coming out of the board and the battery holder! The battery holder also became extremely hot. The smoke was VERY thick and I don’t know what happened. So I took the batteries out and the smoke stopped coming. Does anyone know what happened?

Can anyone tell me what this

Can anyone tell me what this is. I have one for each of the chips i got with the starter kit.
The chips fit into them perfectly.




It sounds like you somehow

It sounds like you somehow shorted the batter positive to negative.

If you have a multimeter, set it for continuity testing. Remove the batteries. Check the + and - leads from the battery. If they are connected, you need to find out where they are shorted and fix it.

The rest of the electronics have probably survived.

Those are called ribbon

Those are called ribbon cable. They are commonly used in computers and other PC boards that have double rows of contacts.

Because computers use the same 0.1 inch spacing as the elecctronic IC chips, these ribbon cables fit the stuff in your kit. However, you don’t need them for this project.

What are they used for

What are they used for ???

And Thanks



Quick question about the following company(JAKTEK).
Their website seemed vacant, and I was wondering whether they are still in buisness.
I did send them an email about the issue but I was wondering whether anyone on this website purchased from JAKTEK latley?
Thank you for your time and effort.

FYI, JAKTEK is run by LMR

FYI, JAKTEK is run by LMR member JAX.